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  • That's right Annette! Have a great day! 

  • Joe, change is the only constant we have in our life. You are so right we just need to identify the opportunities in the changes!! Ready to go this morning, the first morning we're going live!!! This change is going to be fabulous!!!

  • Thank you Greg!
  • Joe you are right we must all embrace change because is going to happen with or without our permission.

  • Your welcome Joe!

  • That's awesome Necole!
  • You are so right... Change is constant, there is nothing that we can do about it so we might as well embrace it. Love the pictures as well! When I get married I want to release white balloons with different messages about "Love" in them. 

  • Thank you Nancy!
  • As a mom, I see the changes in my children, as a former nurse I saw the changes in my patients, you would get the people who accepted it and the people who embraced it, and moved towards getting better. Now as a BDC rep, I too have to embrace changes, some I like, some I have to get used to and some that gets me down, but like Joe says, embrace it and everything will fall into place.


    Thanks Joe!

  • Great response Michelle! Thank you!
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