Google AIS Custom Search

AdWords Display Advertising - But Why?

Many utilize AdWords display advertising in some capacity or another to help with driving traffic to a website. While many are familiar with the branding and awareness benefits of display advertising, some are still confused about what display advertising does and doesn’t do, and how to best take advantage of this marketing method on the Google AdWords platform.

If a business is expecting conversions and direct actions based off of their display advertising, they may be disappointed unless the advertising features a great offer with a time limit. The main benefit of display advertising is branding and awareness. Just like McDonalds, Coca Cola and Amazon, having a brand be represented on a wide scale helps a company ultimately gain a following and hopefully be the first brand that a consumer thinks of when they go to make a purchasing decision.

Google helps up the ante by offering targeting and negative targeting for display ads. Targeting can include remarketing lists (including look-a-like customer acquisition), in-market buyers, keywords, topics, demographics and interests. Smart companies will combine specific targeting with negative targeting to ensure that their ads don’t show on sites that are irrelevant to their business. After a business runs AdWords display advertising and begins getting clicks and impressions, they can, among other things, optimize delivery via the “placement” section of AdWords.

All of these tactics help build awareness for a brand and the targeting helps make the most efficient use of this. What are some ways you all use the Google display network to help promote your dealerships?

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