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Automotive Retargeting - Give Shoppers Another Chance

Shoppers on the internet don't always do exactly what retailers expect them to do.  Complex marketing strategies and specially designed websites are constructed in order to help funnel a customer to a desired result.  Many times, these potential clients abandon the preconceived funnel, sometimes never to be seen or heard from again!  Automotive retargeting attempts to solve this for car dealers by ensuring that these shoppers see their messaging even after they've left their website.
Most internet users have probably noticed that where before there was spam, there are now ads that seem to be a lot more tailored to what they have been browsing and searching for.  This is due to the high level of targeting that is now available for advertisers online.  For dealerships, automotive retargeting takes this one step further by considering someone that's been to their website as a potential shopper for a set number of days after visiting and showing them ads on other websites even after they've left the dealer's site.
This can be further refined by targeting customers that have only been to specific parts of the dealer’s site.  Automotive retargeting can be set up just for those that have visited new cars, just used cars, a service page, etc. and those users can be shown different ads depending on what pages they've been on.  Called segmenting, this is something to consider if the site gets a lot of traffic.
All in all, automotive retargeting can help recapture shoppers that abandoned a dealership's website.  What are some of the ways you all are getting clients back to dealer websites to regain some missed opportunities?
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