Marketers, business owners and general managers are inundated with requests from all sorts of marketing agencies seeking to gain new clientele. Many companies start up based around a certain hot advertising technology. However, blindly following the latest digital marketing trends can result in an outdated marketing plan and wasted spend.
Of course, being aware of the automotive marketing landscape is going to help dealers determine which pieces of marketing they will need to help sell their cars while trying to remain cutting edge, within reason. Having an agency on your side that handles every aspect of your advertising (rather than dealing with a variety of vendors) can be of help, since the agency likely will vet digital marketing trends on your behalf before incorporating it into your marketing plan.
The algorithms that search engines and social networks use often make for a tricky landscape since the techniques for their effective use are going to change along with them. However, before jumping on the latest digital marketing trend regarding these engines and sites, one should try and get a feel for how useful these products and techniques will be if the algorithms change again.
All in all, the latest digital marketing trends will always form a confusing and constantly changing landscape. A basic rule of thumb is that if the product or service came to one's attention in an unsolicited fashion, approach with caution. What are some ways you all filter through the noise to find legit new approaches to marketing?