is pleased to be a presenting sponsor at the upcoming
Dealer Synergy Internet 20 Sales Group, to be held October 23-25 at the Hilton Downtown Chicago. This groundbreaking sales workshop is focused
exclusively on Internet sales.
CarsDirect's session will be hosted by seasoned Internet sales experts who will share exclusive 2012 CarsDirect data aggregated from thousands of online car shoppers. The workshop will explore the latest buying trends, reasons customers aren't buying, and how dealers can change their current processes to
immediately improve their closing ratios.
Attendance at this event will be limited to provide focused, intensive strategy and planning designed for you. Secure your spot today!!
What people might not know is that is one of the largest "Car Dealerships" in the country... That right, in their prime Carsdirect was selling about 2,000 units per month online! they have a full "BDC". They sell cars, F&I, Aftermarket etc... for clients ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. And its all "Virtual". So, their data is very interesting b/c its not just 3rd party research, it is actual research from one of the largest "BDCs" in the country!