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Clean Web Design for Dealerships

Most, if not all, automotive dealers have a website.  Many of those have a clean, responsive or adaptive design.  However, many dealers still have websites that still look like they came straight out of the 90s!  If a dealership hasn't modernized their site's look, it would be in their best interest to utilize a clean web design.

Sometimes, achieving a clean web design is as simple as looking at thecurrent site and making a list of what can be removed.  The "modern" feel can have a lot to do with how simplified the experience is, and as discussed in previous articles, dealership websites in particular suffer from a claustrophobic and cluttered look.

Another idea to keep in mind is the use of white space within the site.  With CSS and html5, clean web design often means having a neatly arranged site with elements that are not stuffed to the brim with content.  Rather, modern websites tend to have a lot of carefully planned space between the different elements.  When you hear a website described as "elegant", often the effect was achieved using this principle. 

Just because a website is being revamped to a clean web design doesn't mean that we should bring visitors into completely unfamiliar territory.  People browsing dealer sites expect to find certain aspects of a site in certain places, and if the site is too unconventional, it could confuse visitors.

Many dealer sites are merely "acceptable" by today's standards.  How are you all making sure your web platform is providing the best look to represent your brand?
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  • Anthony - great points here. Thank you for sharing this information - I find that keeping things simple and having one or two clear "call-to-action" buttons is enough; typically more than that becomes distracting.
    As far as wording on VDPs is considered, what purchasing phrase have you found to have higher CTRs? Ex: "Buy Now," "Confirm Availability," "Shop Now," etc...
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