Mr. Jason I am responding to your pathetic comments about Vehix going out of business. Recently I read a posting about going out ogf business. That's to bad. The posting was from a dealer complaining about the quality and number of leads he was receiviong. It's his belief that Vehix leads were no good. Let's break it down Mr. Dealer!
Vehix delivers 275 leads. Dealer set 36 (13%) appointments. I guess it Vehix's vault his stellar internet department could only set 13%. Weak argument Mr. Dealer. Of the 36 appointments only 22 (61%) actually showed up. That must be because they were Vehix leads and had nothing to do with the inability of the whoever set the appointments. Looks like there might be an opportunity for some training here! And when it's all said and done there were 2 sales. Wow 2 sales out of 275 leads. I believe a room full of monkeys could have done better than that.
In typical weak dealer fashion, it's always easier to blame someone else for your failures. These 275 leads were no different than 275 walk or call in's. The real problem is not Vehix ,I believe it's your sales people. We know they are lazy by nature and only want the low hanging fruit. And when they fail they blame someone else.
So Jason, instead of bad mouthing any 3rd party provider, take responsibility for doing such a dismal job on converting leads into sales. Weak ! Weak ! Weak !