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Digital Marketing Cohesion

Cohesion among a business' digital marketing channels is very important. Now that customers are more involved and have more tools in researching their purchases, marketing strategies across various platforms have become increasingly more necessary. Cohesion among all the various marketing channels can create a synchronicity that is key for customer acquisition and retention.

In the automotive industry for example, customers have a variety of needs, be it service, parts or purchasing a vehicle. A shopper's journey to a dealership is typically long and spans multiple channels, including using search engines as a base for research, looking up reviews about potential dealerships and vehicles, price comparisons across multiple sites, getting feedback on social media, etc. Thus, a one channel approach is no longer enough to guarantee a good flow-through of zero moment traffic.

As customers read reviews and shop around for a deal, PPC, SEO, email, social, display and others come into play, and often times these digital marketing channels are at ends with each other rather than cohesive. For example, when AdWords and SEO are done in combination, they can work together to help achieve a goal, rather than have an SEO page that cannot be used for anything other than SEO and provides no conversion opportunity for the PPC visitor.

It's not difficult to achieve cohesion across all channels. Businesses should start with the basic idea that multiple digital marketing channels should work together. This turns the focus on overall marketing goals rather than perfecting each channel as its own goal individually. In this way, marketing channels can support the overall goal rather than being at odds with each other. What are some ways you all keep your channels in alignment?

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  • I like to think of it as the 3 Musketeers approach- "All for one and one for all!"
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