Having over 15yrs experience in fixed operations and business development I have come across the same obstacles as many of you have. It is called PRIDE. Pride is what gets you out of bed every morning, Pride is what motivates us to take our game to the next level, but Pride is also what leads us down the road of self destruction! Many companies I have worked for and with suffer from the sickness known as Pride. As professionals in our field we feel our way is the best, you should do things this way and there is no other options but what I say and do. I commend every individual for having this sickness from CEO'S to Detail Manager. Is there a cure to having Pride, Is there a way to turn Pride into success and help take your game to another level? YES THERE IS!
The biggest obstacle to over come is to be a delagator not a doer all the time. What I mean by that is create the thoughts and feelings and have them executed. All great business owners, GM's, Service managers, GSM's etc.. all have had great ideas and tried to execute them individually. The only way they have truely been succesful has been by creating a team of professionals that can execute there Process, without interfering, holding people accountable, giving constructive advise vs taking the bull by the horns and the "I'll just do it mentality" Business doesnt grow and become stable with that mentality. It maintains, if that......What just got in your way to success? PRIDE!
I ask everyone who owns, manages and or leads a depatment to put there Pride in there back pocket and utiliaze that time to create new ideas and create a "Strategic Circle" of what you will need and how your department can accomplish those goals. At that time have a department meeting and roll out your thoughts and feeling. Gather information from your team. Assign a timeline to what is realistic for the size of the project. Allow your department heads to execute what they feel is right for the company. From hiring to training. When your timeline is reached...see where you are at, you will be very surprised at how much progress will occur when you put your Pride in check. Wow you have happier employees as they now have a agenda to complete and a purpose for being there.
As a Ceo,Manager,DP,GM,GSM do you create a daily schedule to lead your teams, Do you build a better staff from continuous training? Do you give your employees the tools to succeed? Or does your Pride get in the way. Take a strong look at yourself and why your departments aren't growing...what you will see 99.9% of the time its your PRIDE that hasn't allowed it to. All you find yourself doing is putting out fires you shouldn't be involved in. Settling underlying concerns that shouldn't concern you. If you are in that position then maybe you need to take a strong look at your staff. Are they the right people for the job or is it that you didn't allow them to do there jobs. Everyone has Pride and yes it is a sickness, but you know what I never want to be in a room with some who doesn't have it.
Best Regards,
Richard Browne
Fixed Op's Trainer/Consultant