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Email Marketing Basic Tips

With all the social media, content and pay-per-click marketing available at the push of a button, many forget the power of email marketing. After all, who still uses email? Turns out, most people do, and email still gets surprisingly high response rates. The sole purpose of many campaigns is to build an email list. For the uninitiated, here are some email marketing tips to get started.

Target markets are key to email marketing. Make sure that the content of email marketing matches the audience it's being sent to. It is therefore a good idea, given access, to split email lists into targeted markets so that the recipients will receive the most relevant messaging and be more likely to respond.

Do not send email marketing to someone who didn't opt in. In the same vein, for those that did opt in, avoid sending spammy or extraneous messages. Simply deliver what was promised when the user opted in. Sending irrelevant messages or delivering messages to those that aren't interested is simply a waste of marketing time and money.

Other marketing channels such as social media, content marketing and pay-per-click SEM can help to get sign-ups for email marketing. This is often better than buying an email list from a shady marketing company. If a business is struggling to build a marketing list but wishes to do email marketing, it may be a benefit to try and get onto another related business' established email campaign until their own list can be built up.

The benefits have been widely talked about when it comes to classic email marketing. How are you all finding success building up your email marketing lists?

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