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Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising can be an effective way to raise awareness about a brand, build credibility by way of social proof, and drive traffic to sales and contests. However, many dealerships still don't see the value of, or participate in, Facebook advertising. This is a piece of the marketing puzzle that warrants another look by those who have decided that it is not worth the investment.

Before Facebook became available on the stock market, a business could reach most or all of its users with a post. Enhancements to Facebook’s algorithms since their IPO have made it so that unless a post happens to go viral, only the top 20% of the people who seem to have an affinity for a business will ever see it's post.

In order for an automotive dealer to increase the number of Facebook users that will see their messaging, paid campaigns such as promoted posts are in order. While people browsing Facebook aren't necessarily going to be customers that are ready to purchase, a business can increase it’s chances of getting their ad in front of in-market buyers thanks to the relatively thorough targeting options available for Facebook advertising. Age, location, and a host of other parameters can be set to help get posts to the right people.

The people that respond to Facebook advertising might not always be Zero Moment shoppers, but then again they might be! For those that buy ads and promoted posts on Facebook, how do you use it?

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