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Recently, a study was conducted by the folks at Napkin Labs, a Facebook app developer that works with brands and agencies, and they found that only 6%  of [Facebook] fans engage with a Brand's/Business' Facebook page. That's right just six percent. There's a billion people on Facebook, and yet, there's so few users interacting and engaging with Facebook Fan Pages. 

Of course, with these studies, you have to take into account the amount of information the researchers were working with. In this case, according to the study, they "analyzed fan engagement for more than 50 brand pages, including consumer electronics companies, retailers and more, with between 200,000 to 1 million fans each." [Mashable] I wouldn't be surprised if there were 50 fan pages alone dedicated to Justin Bieber...

Nevertheless, let's look at what the study found. 

In their study, Napkin Labs found that Facebook [BRAND] pages with MORE fans were seeing LOWER percentages of engagement from their fans. Essentially, the researchers concluded that for each brand, there's a set of "core fans." In other words, there's roughly 20 extremely engaged fans who consistently engage, comment, like, share a certain page's content on an everyday basis, whereas as "regular fans" may like or comment only occasionally. As a result of sharing a Brand's posts, these core fans are receiving likes and comments on their own pages, therefore, helping to give that Brand's page more visibility, as opposed to the average fan. 

What do you think about this study? Why are Brand pages only receiving a minimal amount of engagement? Is it the content? Is it the new pay-to-promote system Facebook has laid out for Fan Pages? 

Something else to think about: Does your dealership's page have its own set of core fans, continuously commenting and liking your posts? If not, why? Is it the CONTENT? 

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