Google AIS Custom Search

It’s no secret that a majority of customers now browse and shop on their mobile devices. While many businesses have mobile ads running, there are some key ways to think about these channels that should enlighten them as to why mobile advertising is more important than ever.

Many people still use desktops and laptops every day. However, most of these users also keep their mobile devices by their side the entire time. When they are served an ad on a desktop or laptop, there is definitely a “third party” effect where the ad is in a way intruding on the user’s experience. This makes the ad a little bit easier to ignore. However, most people view their mobile devices as a bit more “personal” than their desktops and laptops. Thus, when a user is served up mobile advertising, theoretically there is a slight increase in the chance that they will pay attention. The shopper sees the mobile ad as slightly more legitimate in this fashion - they are more “familiar” with the messaging they receive via the devices they view as more personal.

Generally, people are easily distracted from advertising. Often times, someone that works on a laptop or desktop all day will periodically check their mobile devices. However, people will generally not stop looking at their mobile device to check their laptop or desktop. Thus, mobile advertising should earn more of a user’s focus than that shown on a “regular” computer. While people have trouble concentrating on a desktop or laptop in favor of their phone or tablet, the reverse is generally not true.

Shoppers generally feel more familiarity and focus with their mobile devices than their desktops or laptops. What other psychological benefits of mobile advertising can you think of?

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