I just watched that video and it made me start thinking about if I am truly giving my best every day I come in to work and every time I get on the phone with a customer. See you come in knowing that you have a set number of calls that you are suppose to make each day. Do you ever wonder if you didn't keep any track of what you make and what you do and you truly give your best how many appointments you would set and how many attempts you would make? I have said that I don't have anymore people to call, I have done everything that I can today what do I do now? For some people it would be different maybe you can try reaching out on Social Media sites or to your friends and family.
The Dealer Synergy team teaches us that "If you want the things that average people don't have then you have to do the things that average people won't do." I guess my real question is, do you want to be average or do you want to succeed and flourish in life and business? Maybe start challenging yourself each day do to be better than the last. I think we would all be surprised at what we could truly accomplish if every day we pushed ourselves to be better and make more calls and set more appointments.