Over the last 20 months I've become more in tune to what people are talking about publicly and most specifically that of my contemporaries. While I wish no ill will upon any human (or animal) there are a few things I just can’t wrap my head around. I’m genuinely confused and thought this an interesting topic mainly to see if I get any feedback that can make sense of it for me.
How does an individual with absolutely no experience in an industry earn a living by speaking with “authority” on topics within that industry? There are several of them out there, all making decent livings too, but what’s the sex appeal for people to listen, pay and follow? Now before my question is misunderstood, I’m not talking about individuals whose respective field and area of expertise actually compliment the industry (i.e. waste oil disposal service for a car dealer, parking lot lighting expert for a shopping center).
I’m talking about people that use examples from things they were told and not from having actually done them. It’s almost like a snake oil salesman from yesteryear but the only issue is these individuals today aren't even gifted orators. I liken it to me engaging the speaking circuit for heart surgeons and speaking (with absolute authority) on the best way to do a heart transplant… I've never actually done a heart transplant, nor have I attended medical school, but I’m an expert anyway just because I said so and I put on a suit. Really?
Now don’t get me wrong, most auto pros never built a car and couldn't find a class in college called “Car Sales 101” but a high school sales job that turns into a college sales job that turns into an automotive sales job that turns into well over a decade of automotive successes in every variable op capacity is very credible experience, especially when the tools and experiences one has developed has a direct and understandable application to the subject matter at hand. When somebody has extensive formal training and successful and proven real world experience that’s fine, even admirable; it’s when people wake up one day and decide they’re going to be a “guru” or an “expert” that’s confusing. How can this be?
In closing, what prompted me to finally ask this question is one of my contemporaries actually said this to a very successful sales manager friend of mine: “Here’s the best way to work a deal…” and then went into a nonsensical dissertation about foolishness. I actually felt bad for the guy because he really didn't understand what he was saying. I’d like to make all the “experts” out there a deal; I won’t give advice on heart surgery if you stop pretending to be an automotive authority.
Chris Vitale is Vice President of Sales at iMagicLab. He has over 15 years of in dealership experience and is quick to call it like he sees it. If you want a no holds barred look into effective CRM deployment and use follow Chris @thecrmgod on Twitter, connect with him on LinkedIn, Facebook or Google+.