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How often should my sales force train?

If you have to ask that question then your sales force is not training nearly enough. Training is learning, learning is crucial for growth. It's like sleeping. How often to you need to sleep? Everyone I know needs to sleep every night. If your not training every day in one capacity or another then your missing out on growth. 15 minutes a day in my opinion is sufficient enough to gather new information. We drive to work everyday, instead of listening to all the negativity on the radio why don't you pop in a training cd. There are so many great accomplished successful people out there in our industry that you can literally listen to something new and of value every single day. I like to switch off every other day. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will listen to highly motivational audio. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday to sales training audio and on Sunday I will usually listen to both. There has not been one time that I didn't learn something new or haven't been motivated to improve. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to make yourself that much better every single day. Are you committed to creating a new category and being the only one in it? Good, I knew you were.
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  • Roman, can you make any recommendations on what you feel are the best few you have heard?  Thanks!

  • That is fantastic. Your ahead of the rest. Trust me.
  • I took all of my music off of my phone and replaced it with training material. Now, it's all that I listen to to and from work and while we are unlocking cars in the am and locking cars in the pm.

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