I have been an Internet Sales Coordinator at Alan Vines Automotive in Jackson Tennessee for a year and two months now and I have to say that I learn new things everyday!! I thought that once you mastered your rebuttals and knew how to work the phone system that everything would come easy, but boy was I wrong. We try to build relationships with every single one of our internet customers and phone ups that we receive everyday. Some are a lot easier to talk to than others and by saying that what I mean is you always have that one customer who thinks they know everything about your product and you know nothing. I had a guy the other day that really amazed me. I wont say his name but I will say that he was not the nicest person to talk to, to rebuttal, to try and pace a conversation with or anything. He was very stern about what he wanted and that was to know for sure that we had a specific Hyundai Tucson on our lot. He was on our website when he called in and when I got on the phone with him and let him know that the vehicle was definitly "Available" he went off!! I was terrified. How was I supposed to overcome this customer with my rebuttals and win him over by setting an appointment with me to come in and let us show him what we have on our lot? I took it slow with him and rebuttaled him with my Feel, Felt, Found rebuttal on Availability and assured him that if the exact Tucson he was looking for was not here when he came in to see us then we would sit down with him and his wife and get him the exact one he is looking for at no extra cost. Still this was not enough for him...He wanted to know that he was not going to drive the 45 minute drive to only be disappointed when he got here. Thats when I killed him with kindness and took over the conversation by telling him about what he would come to expect by shopping with us at Alan Vines; I told him everything we had on our value package and how with us having such a great Value package that nine times out of ten we were going to impress him the most at our dealership. He finally calmed down and began to have a normal conversation with me and I then got to have a great pace conversation with him. I did not get an appointment with him that day BUT the next day when I followed back up with him he gladly set a day and time to come in to see us at Alan Vines. This just goes to show that with the right training and knowing how to continue to have control over a call you can overcome any type of customer. I did and I am very proud of myself for not just giving up and allowing him to go somewhere else to buy a new Hyundai.
That is amazing. A lot of coordinators would buckle under that pressure. You can definitely see the value of learning your scripts and rebuttals by reading this post! Good job! I am sure that Duran is proud;)