After 3 kids and some personal things happening to my wifes family, she has convinced me to move. Now we will be moving too far for me to commute to my present dealership. So I have found new opportunities at a couple of dealerships. Here is the dilemma:
1) where I am moving they are just discovering social media( no one is using yet)
2) everyone at these opportunities are scared to death of it. However 1 is interested in it.
3 Everyone pays the same
my question is do I go running to the place that wants to stick their toe in the social media waters, or do I try to convince another dealer in a slightly better "floor Traffic" area to do it?
I would like some feedback on this please. I respect your opinions!
Jeff I am sure you will be hearing from me soon, and you are right about floor traffic!
Sean great advice as always!
He is now their Director of Social Media full-time, a position that obviously didn't exist before. It was hard because he had to do his normal work while spending long hours at night and on weekends establishing a social media presence, but once he demonstrated that it could be effective they quickly opened up to his ideas. Now, he runs the show the way he wants it, including shifting their traditional advertising to focus on social media.
It's a true success story and I encourage you to contact him for tips and advice.
** My opinion, is follow the path of LEAST resistance. I would go with the dealer that is interested in Social Media and see where it goes.
You mentioned the alternative idea would be b/c of "Floor Traffic"... Let me remind you that 88-98% of EVERYONE that steps foot onto a dealership's lot is an internet customer at some level. That means they have been online for some sort of information / research gathering mission. With numbers like those... I would want to enhance my Internet Sales opportunites. With that being said, I see value in working with a dealership that "Gets It"... even if they ONLY "get it" a little bit :)
I hope this helped. I wish you the best of luck and if there is anything I could do to assist, my pleasure.