Posted by Paul Potratz on November 13, 2013 at 11:13am
SCHENECTADY, NY- On November 22, Paul Potratz, founder and COO of Potratz, and Cory Mosley, Principal of Mosley Automotive Training, will be hosting Closing Ratios: A 20% Increase in 7 Steps. Held at 2:33pm EST, the Friday webinar will showcase all that dealers need to know about closing ratios, the figure that determines how many leads are turned into sales. Every month, dealerships analyze their overall sales as a means to measure their progress. However, if a dealership wants to accurately gauge a sales team’s success and determine a plan to get a higher closing ratio, they must configure a few different numbers. Highlighting the formula needed to calculate a closing ratio as well as the seven steps necessary to increase this ration. The webinar will feature insight from Potratz and Mosley on how dealers can improve their bottom line and determine what part of their sales funnel needs adjusting.
Both Potratz and Mosley boast noteworthy careers in the automotive industry. Paul Potratz is COO of Potratz, the industry leader in automotive advertising and Cory Mosley is the Principal of Mosley Automotive Training, a nationally recognized automotive training and consulting company. Throughout their careers, both men have participated in all aspects of automotive sales and marketing, making them knowledgeable and reputable leaders in the industry. Together, they have crafted this webinar to equip attendees with the tools to improve customer loyalty and draw in additional sales with minimal effort.
For more information on Closing Ratios: A 20% Increase in 7 Steps, click here or to receive more tips from Paul, click here.
I just returned from a VERY successful Dealer Battle Plan that Jim Ziegler hosted! I truly had a great time! I spoke about dominating Google with a Video Search Engine Optimization strategy. I had a tremendous amount of people come up to me and let me know how valuable my workshop was to them and they are excited to go back to their dealerships and implement immediately!
I also had the opportunity to catch up with some AWESOME people!! For example, take a look at this picture:
It was an honor to be around so many talented people, It was great to see both Cory Mosley and Jim Ziegler!
I also was excited to connect with Paul Potratz, Jerry Thibeau, Dave Page (And the rest of Dealer e Process), Peter Martin, Rachel Haro and MORE!!!
I want to THANK EVERYONE who was so kind and attended my session & gave me AWESOME Video Reviews :) I received such a tremendous amount of love! Here are some videos of people that I met at Jim Ziegler's Internet Battle Plan:
Jim Ziegler - Facebook & YouTube
Jim opened up by discussing how powerful and profitable it is to utilize Social Media to sell cars...
He showed examples from
* Elise Kephart has a POWERFUL strategy of sending EVERY single Internet prospect a CUSTOM YouTube / Video email response.
* Good example of good Video "Optimization". They took time creating the descriptions, titles, meta data etc...
* Video emails... Cutting / Pasting Videos from your Youtube Channel and sending them to your prospects.
* Eyejot is a resource that Jim endorsed as a great resource for Dealers...
* Video Email with a dealer BRANDED template...
*** Jim talks about "RELATIONSHIP Selling". Its NOT just about SELLING... its about BUILDING the relationship with the customer / prospect.
*** People ONLY notice when they are NOT happy...
Social Media is about relationships... about engaging with people. Projecting personality, make it fun...
** Jim discussed the value of Facebook Ads (Social Media "PPC") & He walked people live through the process of creating the ad.
Bill Parman - Stream Companies "The Google Search Effect"
Bill does a great job in explaining the details of SEO... what it is, how does it work. He explains it in a way that make sense to not only the savy optimizer but also for the fledgling.
*** Bill did a GREAT job explaining the difference between Black Hat versus Whit Hat SEO tactics...
Google Panda and Penguin updates.
SEO Pyramid -
Social, Link Building, Keyword Research & Targeting, Content Quality and Accessibility
*** UNDERSTAND The Lead CONVERSION Path... Utilize Landing Pages. And track the results.
Bill VALIDATES my ENTIRE Presentation about VSEO and concurs that ORGANIC is the MOST POWERFUL. bill states that ONLY 15% of people click PPC.... 85% SKIP and go to ORGANIC
Jerry Thibeau - Phone Up Ninjas / Phone Ups
*** The GREETING is so VERY important. Make sure you make the BEST first impression.
* Specific Qualifying versus generalization qualifying...
* Use good inflection and tones, be animated
* Give CHOICES... do NOT ask open ended questions
* CREATE Urgency
* Quality, Availability, Price...
* # Reason why people do not make an appointment... b/c they NEED their spouses technique
* Pace and Lead.... Pace and Lead...
* If you can not get the in store appointment... GET a phone appointment
*** Jerry just went LIVE, Mystery Shopping a Dealer in the audience... (Sandy Sansing)
Paul Potratz "The Worlds Best Fisherman"
We need to NOT focus on the "Shiny" objects... must focus on the basics.
Talk to people differently... Price, Rebate... the vehicle
7 Types of Re-Targeting
Advertiser or Communicator...?
Mind Reader
... take conventional to your website
Re-targeting, Re-marketing, Behavioral WILL BLOCK other advertisers...
*** Google Key Word Tracker...
*** Wednesday is the MAIN day people shop for used cars...
*** New cars is all 7 days per week...
*** Video on websites is a MUST
* Stay away from YouTube
*** Facebook is a POWERHOUSE 71% reach
Yes, people over communicate but that is a GOOD thing. You can serve them
*** VIP Club.... call to action
Dave Page -Dealer eProcess
"Exploding Website Conversion"
* Provide a Value Mark down for your prospects... (I LIKE THIS IDEA)
example... "was", "is" & "get e price"...
** CONFIRM Availability... (All over the site)
** Contact page is important....
** ONLY Pop ups that work are ones that include a dollar figure.... "buy back" etc...
Cory Mosley - Internet & BDC Breakthrough Strategy Series
"Influence & Conversion"
What is awesome about watching Cory speak is that he is an actual "Professional Speaker". Not only is his content great, he is an awesome articulator of information.
* How does your process fit with the customer... NOT how is it convenient for YOU
* The head is attached to PRICE... the heart is attached to the wallet
** Segmentation of testimonials...
Testimonials Vs. Influence
*** Influence is NOT closing, it is helping them BUY.
Don't ask "Think" ask how they "feel"
Internet Director of a 9 Store Dealer Group Gives His "Best Idea"....
Facebook Ads!!! He ran an AWESOME Facebook campaign targeting the Military and it was VERY Productive!
Email Marketing was buzzing at the Internet Battle Plan and so were the experts chiming in.
It was also VERY COOL to spend Jim Ziegler's 66th Birthday with him. I swear that I hope to be able to do EXACTLY that on my 66th Birthday... Doing what I LOVE most!
What do you get the "Alpha Dawg" for his 66th Birthday?
Engraved Crystal Decanter Set... Bling, Bling Baby! For that Louie The XIII
What Do You Know About That...?
*** If you are SERIOUS about your Internet Sales / BDC Department you CAN NOT miss the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group
I highly recommend that if you are able to make it to New Jersey that you make it to the Internet Battle Plan. This one is going to be AMAZING!!
I just concluded the Internet Sales 20 Group in Chicago and I had the honor of having JD Rucker and Paul Sansone Jr. As Speakers for my event and WOW!! They killed it! Everyone LOVED their presentations!!
And Cory Mosley is one of the best trainers in the industry PERIOD. He is an amazing speaker, you will get so much from going to see him speak.
Jim Ziegler's Battle Plan is filled with top subject matter experts. If Jim has them on the Roster... They are good.
I had the pleasure of co-hosting the original two Dealer Battle Plans and they were phenomenal back then, I assure you they have evolved into an even more amazing and powerful educational platform.
Jim knows how to pick venues... Revel is the Newest and BEST Hotel in Atlantic City. I am not just saying that. I live in New Jersey and I just bought a building in NJ. I am in AC from time to time. Karen and I have stayed at Revel numerous times and LOVED IT. You will too!
So, have fun, learn and be inspired at the upcoming Internet Battle Plan!
LA Williams, national trainer for Dealer Synergy speaks on the upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group Workshop in Chicago, IL held on October 23, 24, & 25, 2012. Professionals such as Ralph Paglia, Robert Wiesman, AJ Rucker and Peter Martin are just a FEW of the automotive industry's finest, which will be guest speakers at this event.
Its official everyone! We have locked in the Date, Time, Location and are currently working on the details for our upcoming Internet Sales 20 Group!
Let Me give you some of the highlights...
This is a "REAL" 20 Group... An Internet Sales / Digital Marketing 20 Group. Complete with Bench Mark Composites. I have spoken to over 75 NADA & NCM 20 Groups, I have worked with current and former NADA / NCM Moderators as well as Dealer Principals to create the MOST Amazing Composite & Benchmark Data.
I have a FULL Partner on the Actual Composite... A Dealer Principal with over 27 years Automotive Experience!
The FIRST 20 Dealerships to SIGN UP for this 20 Group Workshop (BEFORE September 15th) will receive a FREE SWOT Analysis:
We will conduct 2 different Mystery Shop Calls, record the MP3, GRADE the calls on BOTH quantitative and qualitative measures.
We will evaluate your dealership's Social Media Relevancy
We will evaluate your website and create a "punch-list" to identify opportunities to evolve and enhance your site
We will analyze your dealer sip's online reputation
We will evaluate your dealership's SEO penetration and visibility....
And some other important evaluations...
Bill Finocchiaro - President of Peruzzi Toyota and COVER STORY for Auto Dealer Monthly Magazine. He took his store's Internet Department from 30+ units per month online to OVER 117 units per month online!
Durran Cage - General Sales Manager for Alan Vines Automotive... He will on the COVER of AutoSuccess Magazine THIS SEPTEMBER!! He went from Chrysler OEM Rep, To and Internet Manager selling 27 units per month to building his department to OVER 95 units per month and NOW he JUST got promoted to GSM!
Robert Wiesman - Nationally recognized by AutoSuccess Magazine for his profound internet sales success as a SHOWROOM SALES CONSULTANT! He sells OVER 25-30 units per month and has MORE visibility online than most dealerships!
We have Some INCREDIBLE Industry speakers in the roster:
Susan Givens - Publisher of AutoSuccess Magazine
Cory Mosley
AJ Leblanc / Car-Mercial
Peter Martin - Cactus Sky
Fran Taylor
Stan Sher
Karen Bradley - Dealer Synergy / FranklinCovey
Sean Bradley - Dealer Synergy / FranklinCovey
We are going to have an AMAZING VIP Networking Cocktail Event & Dinner
*** There is MUCH, MUCH more... I just wanted to give you a little teaser to what is coming. October seems a long time away BUT... it will come faster than we all realize.
So, PLEASE mark your calendars!
Message me if you have any questions!
UPCOMING Internet Sales 20 Group - Mark Your Calendars... October 23rd, 24th and 25th Downtown Chicago at the Hilton