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Internet Director Development Training Workshop - October 13-14, Cherry Hill - New Jersey
Because of the success of his first book, "Win the Game of Googleopoly", Dealer Synergy CEO Sean V. Bradley has decided to write another book. If you cannot wait for the new book, don't worry, the best selling author and award-winning automotive sales professional will also be speaking at several conferences throughout the remainder of the year. Don't miss your opportunity to see Sean in action, here is a list of his upcoming events.
Sean V. Bradley Confirmed Speaking Engagements 2014-2015
9-10 NADA 20 Group - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Keynote Speaker)
8-10 Industry Summit - Las Vegas, Nevada (Keynote Speaker and Award Winner)
*Dealer Synergy will also be exhibiting at the convention*
21-22 Internet Battle Plan - Detroit, Michigan (Keynote Speaker)
18-19 NADA 20 Group - Kiawah, South Carolina (Keynote Speaker)
TBD Internet Sales 20 Group 8 - Miami, Florida
March 2016
31 - April 3 NADA 2016 - Las Vegas, Nevada
*Dealer Synergy will also be exhibiting at the convention* 856-546-2440
Here is an example of a Dealership's Value Package Proposition (Why Buy From Us). It is essential that a dealership clearly articulate "WHY" someone should buy from their store. Price is PNLY relevant with the absence of value.
Dealer Synergy's Video Production team created RK's VPP. If you would like Dealer Synergy to produce Video Content, call me at 267-319-6776-
I NEED your help... Please VOTE for Dealer Synergy for the 2015 Dealers Choice Awards for Best Internet Sales Training Company. We are a 3-Time winner and this year we are looking to win again but we can not do it without your vote. So, thank you in advance!! Karen Uriarte-Bradley truly appreciate your support.
Vote For Dealer Synergy For The 2015 Dealers' Choice Awards - Internet Sales Training Company
Did you reach all your goals you wanted to this month? Or Do you feel as though you were lacking in the time management department? Sean V. Bradley, CSP, CEO of Dealer Synergy discusses time management. He explains the 7 habits of highly effective people and how time management is key.You want to be careful of distractions disguised as opportunity. At the end of the day time, management is the most important. Your minutes and seconds and valuable and need to be used to the best of the best of your ability.
You must respect time. You need to think about what is the one thing you can focus on. In the rapid pace, you need to be able to prioritize instead of trying to do everything at once. Don't let the day disappear away from you. Let Sean V. Bradley, CSP teach you how to identify on a weekly level what the priorities for your week are.
If you like Make Money Mondays, you will love Bradley On Demand:
For more information about Dealer Synergy visit,
Sean V. Bradley, CSP, CEO of Dealer Synergy speaks on the topic of how BDC is not an expense. People are not an expense, they are an asset. The difference between your organization and others are your people. The competition does not have anything different than you do, people are not an expense it comes down to your value proposition package. You cannot make money without putting money out. 92-99% of Americans go online before they even step foot in the dealership. If you can direct that traffic to an Internet or BDC department and you've got the right factors, you will be able to build a customer factory.
If you like Make Money Mondays, then you will love Bradley On Demand:
Do you want more information on the automotive industry find out more about Dealer Synergy and our training services:
Dealer Synergy Headquarters are located in Audubon, NJ:
This week's Make Money Mondays, is with the CEO of Dealer Synergy. Sean V. Bradley, CSP discusses your BDC department.
BDC= Business Development Center. A BDC is a department that proactively drives traffic to the dealership, and does not respond to reactive traffic. How can you create business that isn't already there? Through Internet sales, Service conversion, service BDC, equity mining, data mining, cross promotional marketing, special online finance, etc. There are 8 ways for a salesperson to sell an automobile. Those 8 ways include walk-in, be-back, Internet, phone, prior customers, referrals, service conversions, and prospecting. You need to respect the fact that there is so much opportunity on the Internet and have your salespeople perfect and manage the 8 ways to sell an automobile.
Want more training from Sean V. Bradley? Check out
For more information on the automotive industry visit
Congratulations are in order for our President of Dealer Synergy, Karen Bradley. Dealer Synergy is an award-winning national automotive training and consulting company. Karen has been with Dealer Synergy and actively involved in the automotive industry for over 8 years. In addition to such she has over ten years experience in accounting and has served as Chief Financial Officer. Now, she is being honored with one of the highest nominations in the industry, Automotive News’ 100 Leading Women award.
Every five years, Automotive News nominates the top 100 female executives in the industry. The list is compiled from dealerships, suppliers, and automakers to create the top 100 in the North American Automotive Industry. Nominations are based on who readers feel should be considered for the year’s list. Karen Bradley has been deemed worthy of this nomination by her peers.
Karen is a very hard working woman and worked her way up from the Director of Dealer Synergy, to the position she holds as President today. Through her principles and Dealer Synergy’s, her mission statement remains to enable greatness in our industry. She makes it her mission to help people do more, be more, and to achieve more. This allows people to sell more cars, more often, more profitably. What makes Karen unique is the knowledge she has instilled in herself with time management, Franklin Covey certification, and her work/life balance. Some of her many accomplishments include:
Co-creator of Internet Sales 20 Group, the most preeminent 3 day workshop in the automotive industry.
NADA 20 Group Speaker
National Speaker Association Member
Trainer and Facilitator of Franklin Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People and 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity) it is also important to note that of the 2 people officially partnered with the Franklin Covey Organization in the Automotive industry, Karen is the only female.
Authored articles for National magazines such as AutoSuccess
Co-creator of the virtual training platform
Sole curriculum creator for workbooks, deliverables, Dealer Synergy and Internet Sales 20 Group.
Expert Blogger on
Through Dealer Synergy, trained 11,000 automotive professionals, 2,500 Dealer Principals and General Managers at over 900 different dealerships in the United States and internationally.
We can’t stress enough what an amazing accomplishment this is, and on behalf of Dealer Synergy, how proud our team is of our President. Karen has helped lead Dealer Synergy to be the company that it is today. What is even more amazing is that this is only the beginning. Karen is due to launch her video series for work/life balance training by Summer 2015. As a wife, mother of 4, and a successful businesswoman, Karen gives the true meaning to a leading woman. In the meantime, check out some of her work with the virtual training platform to teach you how to sell more cars, more often, and more profitably. 856-546-2440
Sean V. Bradley Introduces Chris Sondesky, The New Vice President of Dealer Synergy - Car Sales 856-546-2440
Billy Vamvakidis, National Sales Consultant at Dealer Synergy - Automotive Sales
Sean V. Bradley,CEO of Dealer Synergy wrote an article for Auto Success Magazine about Why BDC's fail. A BDC can handle unsold showroom traffic, data mining, campaign management, equity mining, expiring warranties, aftermarket products, special finance, Internet sales, phone sales, cross promotional marketing, fleet, etc. One of the main reasons that BDC doesn't work is because most dealerships put untrained people together to do everything. Your Internet department should not be a big cluster of people doing a bunch of different things. You should scale into the BDC, and start with the biggest opportunity to be successful. The best thing for you to do is to start with the Internet because 92-99% of Americans go online before stepping into a dealership.
Your Internet department should be your anchor. Secondly, the Internet is predominately a phone sale. Email sells the phone, phone sells the appointment, and the appointment builds the relationship, product, presentation, demo, drive, and delivery. Your Internet department should be trained in the Inbound and Outbound phone call process, Qualifications, Objections and Rebuttals. If they are trained in these fields, they should be able to take inbound phone ups as well. So, the anchor of a BDC should start with Internet leads and inbound phone ups. After, you could increase to the next module. Depending on what your goals are, will dictate what module you implement next. Stop playing checkers with your BDC, and start playing chess.
If you like Make Money Mondays, you will love Bradley On Demand:
For more information about Dealer Synergy visit,
Sean V. Bradley, CEO of Dealer Synergy and author of Win The Game of Googleopoly created a presentation to show how YOU can Win The Game of Googleopoly for your dealership! Covering topics including onsite SEO, offsite SEO, Video SEO, Social Media, and more, you will be sure to dominate the first page of Google! Check it out!
Sean V. Bradley, CEO of Dealer Synergy talks about how Dentists are accurate with appointment setting, follow ups, and setting the next appointment. Dentists are also dependent on their appointments. You need to change your BDC, Internet Department and Dealership into a dentistry type appointment machine. In order to have a good BDC, you have to be better than your dentist! If you sell an automobile, you should schedule your customers first service appointment. In addition, you can use that appointment to call your customer and remind them. This will build an emotional bank account with the customer. Though the deal is over, you need to continue to build a relationship with your customer. Remember, being better then your dentist will create an amazing BDC department at your dealership!
If you like Make Money Mondays, than you will love Bradley On Demand:
Do you want more information on the automotive industry? Visit
CEO of Dealer Synergy Sean Bradley normally does a Make Money Mondays segment every Monday providing excellent tips for people in the automotive industry to make money. Each week is a different topic. This version is a special edition because it includes the executive trainer for Dealer Strong, Shawn Foster. He provides insight into helping dealers determine what they are going to do with the vehicle prior to sending it to get serviced to sell to lenders. There needs to be a form of action to make a plan on how to plan to sell a car before going to service it. This is all very valuable information.If this sort of information interests you as advised be sure to find out more about our IS20Group as discussed by General Manager at Dealer Synergy, Joe Cala. The link is provided below.
Find out more about Dealer Strong on their website:
Get more motivation and personal improvement tips on the Make Money Mondays site:
Attend the automotive industry's most popular workshop in New York in May 2015 for more information on these topics. Sign up today:
Are you interested in automotive services from Dealer Synergy? It is located in Audobon, New Jersey but serves clients all over the U.S:
Dealer Synergy
131 W. Merchant St.
Audubon, NJ, 08106
Phone: (856)-546-2440
Fax: (856)-546-2445
Author of Win The Game of Googleopoly, Sean V. Bradley CSP, will be meeting fans and signing books at Barnes & Noble in New York City
February 3, 2015, Audubon, NJ – Sean V. Bradley, CSP, author of Win The Game of Googleopoly will be at Barnes and Noble’s flagship store, 555 Fifth Avenue New York, NY, this Wednesday, February 4th, 2015 at 12:30pm to sign books, take photos and meet with readers.
Win The Game Of Googleopoly was released earlier this year in January, and is specifically designed for anyone trying to sell a product or service, in order to gain success in their online standing in search engines. 80% of all transactions start online. People literally find their cars, pets, husbands, wives, and more within an online search. Only 5% of Google users click past the first page of Google results. This means that if you do not appear on the first page of Google search results, you are essentially invisible.
“The Google search results page is just like a Monopoly board,” Bradley said. “Each result is a property, and just like with monopoly, you can’t win with just Boardwalk or Atlantic Avenue.”
Win The Game of Googleopoly is a road map for any business owner, professional, or entrepreneur. The book unlocks the secret holistic strategy to dominating search engines with more than just a website. Win the Game of Googleopoly will show you how to properly utilize video search engine optimization, social media, web development, search engine optimization, mobile, focus sites, micro sites and more in order to successfully build your online presence.
Sean has nearly 16 years experience in the automotive industry, and has trained over 11,000 automotive sales professionals. Sean is also responsible for the success of major label recording artists and professional athletes. It has always been a dream for him to be a published author, and this book has given him the opportunity to accomplish that dream, and add to his already outstanding success.
“I have always wanted to be a published author, and to have the opportunity to write about one of the biggest companies in the world has been a truly amazing experience,” Bradley said. “I am humbled and excited to have my book on the shelves of the number one business book store in the country, and can’t wait to meet with everyone on Wednesday.”
No tickets are required to be a part of this event, and you are encouraged to come meet Sean, and get a personalized signed copy of Win The Game of Googleopoly at 12:30pm.
Sean V. Bradley, CSP: Sean V. Bradley, CSP is the founder and CEO of Dealer Synergy, a marketing and consulting firm for the automotive industry. He is a certified FranklinCovey trainer, and a member of the National Speakers Association where he recently received his CSP designation. Sean is an influential public speaking figure with over a decade of experience in search engine optimization, video search engine optimization, and dominating digital marketing and online reputation strategies.
For more information about the Win The Game of Googleopoly, and the book-signing event, about Sean V. Bradley or about the event, contact Brittany Lights at or by phone at (856)-546-2440 ext. 23.
For more information on Win The Game of Googleopoly, and to order your copy, visit
Congratulations to our CEO, Sean V. Bradley, CSP! “Win The Game of Googleopoly” is ranked # 1 on Amazon’s new releases; this means that his book was the top seller in the retail section. This is a HUGE deal and could not be more of an honor for Sean V. Bradley, CSP and our team.
Sean has achieved some major career milestones throughout his life, both inside and outside of the automotive industry. He has provided exceptional service to the automotive industry as a trainer, international speaker, and consultant; personally training over 10,000 automotive sales professionals. Sean’s expertise goes beyond training individual dealerships and dealer groups. He has had the honor of providing training and consulting regarding Internet Sales and Digital Marketing initiatives for high powered publicly traded companies. Some of his current clients include, TrueCar and Autobytel Inc., to name a few. He has seen success in the music and sports industry as well, and now he’s taking the book world by storm.
Sean’s main objective for this book was to share his digital marketing expertise with all sales professionals, regardless of industry type. The rules of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are always changing, and following outdated rules can actually work against you, burying you at the bottom of the pile.
The higher you are ranked, the more visibility you have. Optimizing your content whether it be written or visual can help you rank higher in search engines. If you are not on the first page of Google, then you are essentially invisible. This book will change how you think about SEO and gives you the tools you need to craft a strategy tailored to your specific market. If you want to dominate search engines and find out what all the buzz is about, order your copy of “Win The Game Of Googleopoly” today!
Thank you again for making this book such a huge success! We truly appreciate your support and appreciate you sharing this tremendous experience with us.
CEO of Dealer Synergy, Sean V. Bradley CSP, typically hosts Make Money Mondays. This week, a special guest Chris Sondesky hosts Make Money Mondays. Chris is an internet director at Cherry Hill Triplex. From his centralized BDC he has 400+ units sold a month and $1 million in gross. How does he do this? He puts emotion back into the process. Customers cannot see, smell, or feel the car online. The key is in making customers feel good and gaining their trust. If a customer trusts you, they will do business with you, refer people and want to come back. You can even ask for reviews because you've earned them. This emotion becomes your closing tool. Make the experience you have discussed happening in the showroom, come to life. Show more emotions, make more sales.
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"As an international speaker, consultant, trainer, and entrepreneur, Sean V. Bradley, CSP, is the founder and CEO of Dealer Synergy Inc., the leading Internet sales, business development and digital marketing firm in the automotive sales industry. Sean has personally trained over 10,000 automotive sales professionals. In addition to being hired by approximately 1,000 multi-million dollar automotive dealerships, Sean’s clients include publicly traded corporations like Autobytel Inc. and TrueCar, as well as billion dollar corporations like Internet Brands ( Sean’s clients outside the automotive sales industry include major label recording artists and professional athletes". Learn the importance of page one domination on Google through this interview with Dealer PlayBook.