You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.
Henry Ford
We've recently fallen off the bandwagon as a whole. It's time to pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves off, and get back to the things that have made us successful. We set a large amount of appointments last month, our numbers were astronomical. This month, we're seeing the fruits of those labors - we have 11 sales right now - but we are not being consistent and building our business for the future.
There are a lot of negative attitudes in the department right now. This is not acceptable. If you are disrupting the productivity of another person in our office you will be sent home to get your head on straight. We're a team, we operate as a team, we need to act that way. Make the phone calls - even the hard ones, ESPECIALLY the hard ones - so you make the contacts to set the appointments to get the shows to get the sales to grow your paycheck.
Let's get it done.
Let's get it done.