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Message of the Day: November 15th 2012

[The following is copied from my daily emails to my team, I was recommended to share them on AIS every day as well so I will begin doing so on a regular basis.]


"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."

 – Bill Gates
       Unhappy customers are by far my most favorite customers to speak to on the phone.  These people will more often than not get straight to why they're upset and usually don't even realize that all they want is to feel understood.  Beyond that, they will tell you exactly what you need to do to repair the situation.
      We all have calls that beat us up and get us down throughout the day.  That phone can feel like it's 100lbs when you feel like all you're getting is "No".  All it takes is a little paradigm shift to transform something as negative as a "take me off your list" or an "I bought something else" to a positive learning opportunity to better your level of professionalism and customer service in the future.  You can't lose something you never had, so after you get that "no" take it as an opportunity to learn and grow.  
     "Please take me off your list" could be followed with a "Yes Mr/Mrs Customer, right away, sorry to bother you."  If you truly want to learn and grow however, try this next time "I will definitely do that for you [first name], but real quick while I have you on the phone would you take just second to answer a question for me?  This is how I pay my bills and provide for my family and I really want to provide the best level of service to my customers, what do you feel like I could have done better to have earned your business?"  You may turn a "take me off your list" into an expectation that you could rebut (carefully) and turn in to an appointment.  You may get some feedback to help you leave better messages or help you contact other people you're working with.  The absolute worst case scenario is that the customer tells you "no" and you didn't lose anything having tried.
      "I bought something else" is another great opportunity.  "That's great!  What vehicle did you decide to purchase?  That's definitely a great choice!  Where did you make your purchase?  What would you say the deciding factor in purchasing with them was?  (customer will usually respond with one of the top 5 reasons for going online) I've heard that's a great place to do business as well, by the way, did you know that here at Waynesville Automotive we (rebuttal for their reason for purchasing)?  (customer is usually unaware)  Having know that, do you feel like that would have helped you to purchase from us instead? (usually followed by a soft yes i.e. "most likely" or "probably") Well great, the important thing is that you did purchase a vehicle that will meet your wants and needs.  Also, did you know that we have an Owner Rewards Program (Value Package), I know you didn't purchase from us, but you do own a vehicle so let me tell you what I can do for you (offer Free Oil Change to help convert a lost sale in to a service customer for the future)."  Remember, customers who service their vehicle regularly with us are over 600% more likely to make their next purchase with us, and someone else in their household will most likely purchase a vehicle within the next 90 days!
I implore you to think about other situations where you've had an unhappy customer.  Really reflect on that and think of ways you may have been able to handle that differently to help you learn and grow professionally.  I'd be more than happy to discuss these with you and give you my input or role-play the unhappy customer for you sometime!
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