Google AIS Custom Search

Mobile friendly websites and Google

A constant mantra of digital marketing is “mobile-friendly". The reason is quite simple - a majority of users access the web via a smartphone or tablet. Because this includes shoppers, having a mobile-friendly site is key to creating an attractive shopping experience.Google is acknowledging this trend with its most recent updates. Sites that are deemed as not “mobile-friendly" by Google will theoretically be penalized in search engine rankings. If your site is not mobile-friendly yet, it might suffer a hit in ranking on mobile devices.Google’s recommended approach is responsive web design. Besides that, some key factors Google looks at include font size, page width, whether or not flash is used (avoid it) and how close together links are.If a business can't get their site up to Google's standards right away, they can still make changes down the line and rebuild their rankings. How are you all coping with Google's algorithm change?
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