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Necessary VDP Elements

A big first step toward revamping a dealership website for better lead generation often involves cleaning up the VDPs (Vehicle Display Pages). A good strategy is to strip off anything unnecessary and/or distracting, leaving only what the customer needs to get information, build trust and move down the purchase funnel. Below are some VDP elements that can help enhance the customer experience without giving them an opportunity to bail.

The first pieces of a VDP are great photos that show off the vehicle's features. This is the most basic of VDP elements. Having actual photos of the vehicle described in the VDP, rather than a stock photo, is always highly preferred. In addition, the VDP should accurately describe everything about the vehicle including MPG, any extras or features, and any other technical specifications a customer might want to know. Showing alternate similar vehicles at slightly varying price points can keep a customer on your site if they like what they see on the VDP, but want a couple of options.

In order to build trust on a VDP, some dealerships use logos or list awards that the dealership or vehicle has won. These are good ideas, however most customers are more easily swayed by word of mouth, which in this case could be reviews. Thus, vehicle and dealership reviews together are very effective VDP elements that help reassure a shopper that both their target vehicle and the dealership are trustworthy and approved by others.

The final VDP elements need to be prominent conversion items that easily pull the customer through the sales funnel. These should include a form submission option, live chat and a trackable phone number. The conversion buttons, numbers and widgets should be placed in very prominent spots on the VDP to make the next steps toward purchase clear.

There are other items that can enhance a VDP, but the basics listed above can form a good base for testing and lead capture. How are you all arranging your VDP's for maximum business opportunity?

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