Wrapping up Day 3 of On-Site training here at RC Lacy in Catskill, NY... From the start, Anthony had given us a ton of tips & tricks to give us a push in the right direction and keep us moving forward. The goal of this on-site training was to take our Internet Department to the next level by memorizing the Dealer Synergy rebuttals - a task which seemed impossible for just 3 days. However Anthony introduced us to different methods in order to help with the memorization of the 35 rebuttals, and after day one, we had 7 memorized. By day two, we had 13 memorized. By noon time today we have all mastered 20 rebuttals.
It was a great learning experience, and quite refreshing having Anthony back for a visit! Not only did he put us on the right track with the rebuttals, but he was also there to hop on the phone and field some phone calls...and set some appointments for us! Thank you again Anthony for another excellent and informative training session!