Large amounts of money are often spent on digital marketing to get shoppers to click through to an automotive dealership website. Often, however, the site is not prepared to further move those shoppers down a definite sales funnel. The "everything but the kitchen sink" method of VDP design is thankfully starting to fade with more focus on a path for shoppers to take.
Traditionally, "sales funnel" has referred to the various stages of advertising such as "awareness/branding", “consideration” and “purchase”. Here, "sales funnel" is used to describe the most efficient path that zero moment of truth customers can travel to get the product they are trying to purchase.
The main ingredient is to deliver what was promised in the marketing. With zero moment advertising, a dealer will want to focus on putting the same offer on their website that was referenced in the advertising, along with one or possibly two paths to receiving the offer. Those paths could include chat, phone, or form lead submission. This creates a sales funnel as the dealership marketing and website are effectively funneling a customer towards purchase.
Delivering on the offer that the customer was promised with a clear method of continuing down the sales funnel towards purchase is key to a car dealership's digital survival. How are you all guiding your customers towards the actions you want them to take?