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Posting multiple channels

Recently I listened in on a KPA webinar. One of the speakers was asked, “Do you recommend taking the same content across different platforms for changing it up?”

He responded, “If the creative is good, then yes. However I’m really against posting the same material in multiple places.”

In ecommerce, we learned this was a huge mistake quite a while back. Because we work in the dealership we see the message constantly. We tire of it and assume everyone has seen it. Often there is a certain arrogance that our customers follow us in every single channel, that simply isn’t the case.

The plan shouldn’t be, “Did I put a different message in each channel”, the plan should be, “Did we put this message in every channel we could?”

Even if you don’t fully post in each place, point everything to a central point. Don’t cop out and point everything to Facebook unless necessary. Facebook isn’t your de facto website. Use all the channels to funnel to your website whenever possible, the place where your finance forms and inventory live.

Consumers are irritated when they missed out on a deal because they didn’t know about it. They aren’t blaming themselves when that happens, they are blaming you.

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