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Social Media Tips - Sharing Facebook Posts

Many of us were taught as children that sharing is one of the best and most adult things a person could do. In the digital world, this goes double - and takes almost zero effort! Our social media tip today has to do with sharing Facebook posts and why it’s important.

It's no secret that Facebook conducted it's IPO in 2012. What this meant for businesses on their platform was that the fans of their pages would no longer be guaranteed to see their posts. For the widest reach possible, businesses would have to boost their posts and create Facebook ads - Facebook had become a pay-to-play advertising platform. However, since virality is an aspect of Facebook and the popularity of posts affects what is shown, sharing Facebook posts has become a way that fans of a business can help get that business' message out there.

If you are an administrator of a Facebook page, you should notice that beneath your posts but above the Like/Comment/Share links is a count of how many people were reached. As more people share the posts that you put up, this number goes up exponentially! Therefore, it is a best practice for beginning posters to encourage their followers to share their content to help spread the word! Sharing Facebook posts helps the business expand it's reach without having to spend additional dollars to fund advertising.

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  • @robert - yes that is spot on. If you make your post more open ended and ask for what you want, you can get some percentage of people to help you out!
  • Social Sharing of posts is critical in social media: Best Practice is to ask questions and encouraging social followers to engage and interact.
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