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Talk Big But Back It Up

It is no secret that 3rd party validation to the big claims we as sales professionals make is crucial to making a deal. The only question is why are all of us doing it?During the steps of a sale with a prospect you should be building value in your product, your dealership and of course yourself.You are informing the client on the great "JD Power Intial Quality" rating for your product, your award winning service department, and you are going on about stories of your past happy clients just like them and how your product solved all their problems. Aren't you?Making these "big claims" during the steps of the sale is crucial for building value in your product/service, but let me tell you that showing them and validating those "big claims" is icing on the cake.In just a few simple steps I will show you how to build yourself your "Big Claims Manual" and how you can build yourself more credibility and knock your prospects socks off.1. Research your product insanely! That's right insanely! You need to dig up every award accolade etc. You also need to find all the "class leading features" that your product is packing. Compile all those statistics and key selling points you should already be talking about from all the different third party resources. Edmunds, Kelly Blue Book,, Motor Trend, Car and Driver Etc.2. Next is your dealership. Find out how long your dealerships doors have been open. Does your service department have any awards and accolades that you tell everyone you talk to about? Does your dealership do any unique events or charities with in your community? How long have most of the service techs been working on your specific vehicles? You understand where I'm heading with this right? All those great things you are saying about your dealership, research and gather all the data that backs that up. Should not be hard.3. The last piece to this puzzle is third party validation of you. Yes YOU! This one is probably one of the easiest. Hopefully you are getting testimonials from your clients. Whether they are written down on a piece of paper or platform you provide or they are on a third parties website like Dealer Rater, Edmunds, Google , etc. You might take a photo with your happy customer in front of their new vehicle or maybe you are like me and you get a video testimonial from as many new customers as well as old customers as you possibly can. Video unlike other things the so called "pros" talk about is very powerful. Any chance you can use video in your sales process do it! It makes you different then the next guy and works wonders for credibility. You should also gather up any awards you personally might have received as well as copies of any certification you may have. If applicable you can also include any articles or blogs you have written regarding your expertise to help solidifying you as the go to professional. Basically anything good about YOU that is being said by any one but you. Make sense?Got it?Good.Now here is what you do:You gather up all the saved data you have gathered about your product, your dealership and of course yourself.You need a user friendly unique way to show this to your guests. I suggest a Apple iPad all day long. You can easily put together a custom PDF that your guests can page through while your off at the sales desk getting the proposal. You can also save the screen shots, scanned images and videos on your main screen which they can go through on their on.That should give you a good idea of how to put one together that will rock your clients world and be happy to pay you your money, because hey who doesn't want to work with a pro.Any questions or just want to talk about cool new techniques to sell more calls give me a shout.Robert
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  • Excellent post
  • That is awesome Robert. A great tool that i will make sure all of my recruits see and learn from. Thank you for taking the time out to help.
    You rock dude!

  • That's awesome to hear JP! Let me know if you need any help. It's fun to me so I do not mind helping and talking about selling cars.
  • Thanks Robert great ideas, I will put them in to practice. 

  • The Super Macho Man of the Car Biz!!! :)


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