Many digital marketing agencies are great at sending leads to a dealership website. Typically, if sales don't improve, these agencies will be quick to say that the marketing works fine, but that the dealer isn't taking full advantage of the leads. However, a true full-service digital agency includes a vital piece of the puzzle with regards to this - performance management.
Performance management is generally not a part of the suite of services one gets from a digital marketing agency, because most view themselves as purely in the business of increasing traffic, leads and conversions. Adding performance management to their list of benefits would mean adding agency employees that are so familiar with the way a well-run dealership works that they can help dealers effectively take their leads to the next level, translating them into sales.
It is easy enough to see what days and times leads are most plentiful, but sometimes it takes performance management to indicate that this means to staff more heavily during those hours to take full advantage. Sometimes, processes are broken at a dealership, and a performance manager can spot the areas that need improvement internally and help a dealership close gaps to create a more efficient car sales process. Does your current marketing agency offer a performance management service?