A dealer with the capability to add pages to their website ultimately has a great opportunity for SEO for their vehicles. Vehicle landing pages can help boost a site's SERP (Search Engine Results Page) visibility for their vehicles!
Vehicle landing pages are basically pages dedicated to the individual vehicle models that a dealership carries. Each one of these pages can be designed to serve two functions simultaneously. If the page contains lots of relevant information about the vehicle, it will, over time, add a boost to a client's overall organic search results for the automobile plus any related keywords that are included on the page.
If the vehicle landing pages also contain strong calls to action (such as "browse inventory" or "call to check availability"), they can be used as landing pages for Display Marketing and SEM (Search Engine Marketing). A good layout might include inventory right at the bottom of the landing page. That way, both organic and paid traffic have opportunites to convert on the vehicle landing pages.
Many dealers have a strong (and smart) focus on VDPs and SRPs, but VLPs can help round out the site’s overall SEO and SEM efforts. Are you all making individual vehicle landing pages for your dealership sites?