Richard A. Browne has officially raised the bar again!
Had meetings today with GM today in the Atlantic City area, as they had some news for me. A single point GM location that is down 40% on fixed ops traffic due to lack of sales from 2010/2011 has gone from #16 of 16 in the Region in CP Labor sales to #6 ,and wait there is more from 16 of 16 in CP Dollars per repair order to #1 in the Region all while increasing CSI... This being my 3rd GM location Richard A.Browne has succesfully made profitable, and within 5 months time. Sounds like I may know what Iam doing doesnt it?? As Ive stated before I don't stand on over 500 service drives, I work them side by side with the consultants and lead and train by example.
What A DAY!!!!
Richard A. Browne