Business owners and marketers alike have long been set in the idea that in order to make money you must spend money. While this is inherently true, the amount spent and on what mediums, can drastically vary. Since 2009, before the height of social media and paid digital advertising, I have been focused on finding alternative strategies for my clients and my own companies, instead of opting for the expensive clutter-filled traditional mediums like print and radio.
While different products, target audiences, and messaging can all demand different strategy, it is difficult to eliminate the mindset that we must still advertise on the platforms we grew up consuming. We’ve trained ourselves to expect to spend thousands of advertising dollars to move our businesses forward but it is important to remember that marketing opportunities are constantly changing and evolving, and we’ve got to evolve our strategies with them.
To be clear, I am not saying traditional and digital mediums do not work. They do. However, when you start adding the need for digital advertising in the mix with traditional it becomes expensive. How is a business going to stand out with so much noise unless they maximize their strategy’s budgets? In my experience, not focusing on the conversion of campaigns until you really understand “engagement” is the best practice when it comes to determining strategy.
In a 3-part webinar course understand what it means to be a social guerilla marketer and unlock the strategies that will propel your business to the next level without adding to your advertising budget. In a live, interactive webinar, exchange questions and thoughts, while mastering marketing strategies that engage, instead of sell, your customers. If you are ready to stop spraying and praying then you will find this free 3 part mini-course very informative.