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Women Car Shoppers recently released their 2015 US Women’s Car Dealership Report which contains the findings of their survey of over 3,450 women regarding buying vehicles and their car dealership experiences. Some interesting insights regarding women car shoppers can be gleaned from the results.

To start, women car shoppers have increased overall. The most popular vehicles shopped include Volkswagen, Ford, Chevrolet, Jeep, and Buick, while the most popular vehicles purchased include Mercedes-Benz, Lincoln, Dodge, Jeep and Chrysler. In fact, numbers are up across the board – including increased leasing and servicing completed by women car shoppers.

Where it gets interesting for digital marketers is that almost one third of women car shoppers surveyed reported that the dealership website was not helpful! Women in the survey visited on average 2 dealerships before making a purchase. Over half went by themselves in person to shop, and most of those that leave without purchasing never return. Just under half of the women surveyed went to the dealership alone to actually purchase the vehicle.

These findings send some clear signals both to dealerships and digital marketers. Women car shoppers are increasingly handling the business of buying a car by themselves, and most dealerships have just one chance to capture that buyer. Marketers should ensure that their websites take into account items that might make it easier for women shoppers to submit a lead. What changes would you make to your internal processes and/or marketing strategies to make sure that you are capturing women car shoppers?

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