Today, our Women’s Wednesday focuses on the road to ultimate business success. This is powered by a growing customer base, increasing loyalty and customer retention. Here are some innovative marketing ideas to increase your competitive edge by delivering more value to women customers.
1. Buy A Car In Less Than 2 Hours
Do you know it currently takes a woman an average of 3 hours and 20 minutes to buy a car? Most women feel "highly inconvenienced" by this, especially because time is one of women’s most prized commodities. Implement a marketing approach where buyers can seal the deal in 2 hours or less.
2. Test Drives On-Call
Half of the buyers at a dealership are women – but most women work. With professional females and moms on the go, a way to distinguish your dealership is having “test-drives-on-call.” Bring a new vehicle to her place of business or home to test drive; this concierge service is attractive to women as again, it is time saving.
3. Access To Technology Experts
Car buying is a costly purchase. Women buyers, especially, take a lot of time to research the dealership and learn about the vehicles before they make their final decision. In the car itself, there are so many buttons and touch points on a dashboard. Who can remember all the things said during a test drive? Most buyers spend no more than 5 minutes learning about their NAV or tech packages and leave the dealership unfamiliar with these aspects of their new vehicle. Have classes for consumers to attend - post purchase - about the cars’ technology and perhaps some one page cheat sheets for them. Having access via email, text, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook to your dealership’s technology expert is a must.
4. Build A Strong Brand Dealer Reputation
Women rely on car dealer reviews 50% more than men. It makes sense, they want to get their car buying right! They really want to buy from well-reputed and trusted dealers. To build strong brand reputation and attract more women buyers, dealers can get reviews from women shoppers and train their sales team to deliver the ultimate car buying experience to every customer who walks in the store. This low cost model is a win-win.
5. Acknowledge Mistakes And Show Customers They Are Valued
It is difficult for businesses to acknowledge their mistakes. When it comes to client retention, “holding up your hand” in business, is paramount. For example, when it comes to Reviews – keep it real and be transparent. Ask to have a one-on-one discussion with the consumer via telephone. Market your dealership in such a way so that all customers feel included and a valued part of the process.
Positioning your dealership in this way – and clearly communicating these services - makes clients and potential customers feel that your business is working in the clients’ best interest rather than just "selling cars and making money."
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