Automotive Internet Sales Interviews TrueCar & Responds To Joe Webb & Brian Pasch...
It seems that there was a negative post about TrueCar recently, Joe Webb of Dealer Knows published the post and then a lot of people in the industry started to jump on the band wagon of the negativity. One of those people was Brian Pasch of PCG.
I have a problem about what was said and the people saying it. Especially when TrueCar is the TITLE sponsor for AutoCon... How can you tell dealers that they are great and good enough to be a title sponsor and then say they are wrong or bad out of the other side of your mouth...
So, I wanted to set the record straight. The first part of this video is ME and MY opinion of the situation. And the second part (the majority) of the video is the ACTUAL GoTo Meeting interview with Ken Potter, VP Of Dealer Development & Mike Timmons, Executive VP of TrueCar. Automotive Internet had the opportunity to sit with TrueCar and get their feedback and official position on the situation.
I normally DO NOT get involved in these situations BUT... Ken Potter has been a friend for over 12 years now and I do not like people attacking him unfairly. He is an integrity based individual. And I do not feel that TrueCar is doing ANYTHING wrong with their policy for "Write Offs" on their leads...
I am ALWAYS open for conversation if you want to reach me. Please email me at or call me on my cell 267-319-6776