Google AIS Custom Search

king (3)

There’s a saying in online marketing that has been around for a while. “Content is king.”

The truth is this – before the last year, it really wasn’t. Content has always been important, but it wasn’t until recent updates in Google and Facebook that content took a huge leap from being a portion of search and social marketing to become the actual hub through which search and social marketing flow. Today, marketing starts from content and works its way down versus recent years where content was simply a tool in the marketing strategy.


Google, Facebook, Bing, and Twitter are getting smarter every day. They have more brainpower going into figuring out how to stop spammers than the spammers have dedicated into finding new ways to spam. In other words, any tactic that involves practices that aren’t focused on quality can only bring short term benefit and can eventually lead to doing more harm than good. That’s the way that online marketing is heading and that’s a very good thing for both internet surfers as well as honest businesses and marketing agencies.


The old days of automated link-building tactics and paid social media promos (other than advertising) are long gone. Marketers can only achieve a true impact from quality content. Thankfully, this means that, in many ways, we’ve reached the end of the road of major strategy changes. That’s right, the practices that go into proper online marketing today are the type that will last for a long time, perhaps indefinitely.


It’s a bold statement, but if you think about it, that’s exactly where we are. Sure, there will be opportunities to find better channels, new tools, and make adjustment to different styles, but the end game is upon us. Quality content on and off of a website is the cornerstone of search and social marketing today and will continue into the foreseeable future.

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A Few Words on Relevant Content

(Full Disclosure**: I'm writing this as I try to battle a viscous stomach virus, so bare with me :) )

We've all heard the phrase: "Content is King." (JD Rucker recently amended that phrase earlier this week: Content isn't King. It's More Like a President) Whatever value you put on Content (President, King, Duchess, Mayor, etc..), there is one thing for certain: your content HAS to be RELEVANT. 

Yet, what does Relevant Content constitute? What does Content even mean? Wikpedia defines Relevant as: "is a measure of how pertinent, connected, or applicable something is."

Whenever you're posting onto your business' Facebook or Twitter page, the first thing that should come to mind is: Is this relevant? Will my audience find this relevant? After all, you're trying to establish a connection with your customers, fans, followers and if you post something that they're not interested in, then there is no reason for them to click, comment, like or RT. For instance, I'm an avid reader of fiction (Sci-fi, thriller, mystery). I follow several independent bookstores on Twitter. If they start tweeting about DVD releases, then I'm going to hit the Unfollow button and move on. It's all about what's relevant to your audience. 

Another point I wanted to make is that every social media analyst, social media manager, etc.. should be somewhat of a news junkie. I'm not encouraging you to watch CNN, FOXNEWS, or MSNBC for 24 hours straight. That would drive anyone insane! Rather, each morning you should be spending a few minutes frequenting news sites such as, (Cars), mashable (Tech), buzzfeed (Memes, trends, viral posts), yahoo (they sometimes have quirky news), etc.. An important part of social media is "conversation." If you're unaware of what everyone is talking about, then how on earth can you join the conversation?

So, before you copy and paste that link that you may find interesting or funny, first ask yourself: Will Mary Sue and Joe Smith like this? Will they care?

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Content Wasn't Always King, But Now It Finally Is

For years, marketers and search engine optimization gurus have been preaching something. They've been telling the world that "content is king" and that if you put the right content on your website, that it will rank well. After all, who would deny the king, right?


The reality was different. Up until April 24th, 2012, content was not king. It was a queen, maybe even a jack - a face card to be sure. However, it wasn't king. Inbound links were king. Other factors such as exact-match domains, site age, and offsite attribution were aces.


Things have changed all the way around. Thanks to the Penguin update, links are now more challenging to come by. Don't misunderstand this - links have not been devalued. If anything, they are more powerful now than they were before the update. Low-quality, automated, spammy links have been completely devalued to the point that they can actually do harm to your domain. For this reason, inbound linking strategies have been forced to clean up their act. Only the highest level of pure links work the magic now. More on that in a moment, but first, let's talk social...


One of the "hidden" changes that happened on or around the same time as the Penguin update was the increased value given to social signals. Google has been considering social signals in the ranking algorithm since December, 2010 (publicly, at least), but they really started pumping up their significance this year. It's very likely that the timing of the change was intended to coincide with Penguin; making two major changes at the same time - one public, one behind the scenes - is the perfect way to keep people like me on my toes.


This brings us to the content. As I mentioned, links of the highest caliber are still powerful, possibly more powerful than ever before. Social signals are equally powerful. The inaccurate but easy math behind it is that links, social, and onsite content account for 30% of the ranking algorithm with the other 10% going to outside or uncontrollable forces such as domain age. If all three major components are equal, how can content now be king?


Today and going forward, there are three types of content for dealer websites. There's the "money content" - the pages that are there to generate leads such as inventory pages. There's the SEO content - the pages designed to target specific keywords and drive traffic to your site from various search terms. Lastly, there's "sharable content" - the pages that are of general interest to visitors that come to your website for reasons other than to do business with the dealership.


Many will avoid the third type as "cool content pages" such as a picture gallery of modified Honda Civics or a video of your dealership's participation in the March of Dimes walkathon do not directly generate leads. This is their biggest mistake and an opportunity for you to shine.


You see, these are the pages that can generate organic links. These are the pages that can be shared on social media to generate the social signals. These are the pages that will allow people to interact with your site even if they're not buying a car. The effects of links and social signals do not just hit the page itself. They help the domain. If you're posting content on your site that is bringing in links and social signals, the other pages (including the "money content" pages) will rank better in search and gain more exposure through social.


It's not an easy process without the appropriate understanding, but once you get the hang of it, there are few things that come more naturally to us. We're all "car people". We got into this business to make money and be around vehicles (at least that's the hope). If you generate the type of content that should come naturally to you and expose that content through the proper channels, you'll have an advantage over your competitors. Despite the ease in which this can be accomplished, few will attempt it. Even fewer will do it right. You have an opportunity to get way ahead of the competition in internet marketing with a little knowledge, a little practice, and a little help.

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