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A Few Words on Relevant Content

(Full Disclosure**: I'm writing this as I try to battle a viscous stomach virus, so bare with me :) )

We've all heard the phrase: "Content is King." (JD Rucker recently amended that phrase earlier this week: Content isn't King. It's More Like a President) Whatever value you put on Content (President, King, Duchess, Mayor, etc..), there is one thing for certain: your content HAS to be RELEVANT. 

Yet, what does Relevant Content constitute? What does Content even mean? Wikpedia defines Relevant as: "is a measure of how pertinent, connected, or applicable something is."

Whenever you're posting onto your business' Facebook or Twitter page, the first thing that should come to mind is: Is this relevant? Will my audience find this relevant? After all, you're trying to establish a connection with your customers, fans, followers and if you post something that they're not interested in, then there is no reason for them to click, comment, like or RT. For instance, I'm an avid reader of fiction (Sci-fi, thriller, mystery). I follow several independent bookstores on Twitter. If they start tweeting about DVD releases, then I'm going to hit the Unfollow button and move on. It's all about what's relevant to your audience. 

Another point I wanted to make is that every social media analyst, social media manager, etc.. should be somewhat of a news junkie. I'm not encouraging you to watch CNN, FOXNEWS, or MSNBC for 24 hours straight. That would drive anyone insane! Rather, each morning you should be spending a few minutes frequenting news sites such as, (Cars), mashable (Tech), buzzfeed (Memes, trends, viral posts), yahoo (they sometimes have quirky news), etc.. An important part of social media is "conversation." If you're unaware of what everyone is talking about, then how on earth can you join the conversation?

So, before you copy and paste that link that you may find interesting or funny, first ask yourself: Will Mary Sue and Joe Smith like this? Will they care?

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