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Today’s Women’s Wednesday we are focusing on the up$ide of reviews and what they really boil down to with women shoppers, prospects and buyers.

While you know that women buy almost half of all cars purchased and influence even a much higher number, are you aware of the real upside in selling more cars to women by distinguishing your store as a women+family friendly marketplace? Why is this important? Let’s take a closer look.

Men shop at 1.4 dealerships while women visit 1.9 dealerships prior to buying a car. One-third of women are apprehensive about the buying experience and 20% report being overwhelmed. In fact, a recent poll shows that women are 50% more likely to rely on car dealer reviews than their male counterparts. Why? They want to get the purchase right and avoid getting it wrong. Elite dealers leverage reviews in advertising to mitigate any negative emotions of some customers and to showcase that their dealership is a pain-free company with which to do business.

A brilliant way to distinguish their store from the competition.

Did You Know?

JD Power reports women are more generous than men when rating their dealership experience

Women relate to other women and trust these reviews more than ones written by men

Certified Dealers Upside is in the Million$
Let’s be frank. Women can buy a car anywhere in your city for within a couple of hundred dollars from another dealer. Distinguish your store from the others by using your certified logo in your advertising and branding yourself as a Certified Women-Drivers Friendly Dealer. Benchmark with your sales team how many cars you sell to women each month and keep track of it.

By selling just 5 more cars each you will add $2M to your sales at your store.10 more cars will add an average of $4M in sales and 15 more will bring in $6M more in sales annually! Get your team on board and turn those women browsers into women buyers by having them walk into your dealership as a destination store they have come to do business with because of your stellar reputation with women+families.

Want to Sell More Cars and Distinguish your Dealership to Women?  Click here

Did you receive a Free copy of the 2014 Women’s Car Buying Report? Click here

Good Selling!

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Last month there was such strong interest in our mid-year report “Dealers Websites are #1 with Women Buyers” we have decided to follow it up with more nuggets regarding your site, engagement and women shoppers.

As competition rises, it’s the right time for dealerships to focus on areas of improvement, engagement, and delivering a quality experience to women customers. Today we are focusing on low cost, positive and quiet changes that can make a big difference in showcasing transparency to women.

1. Provide Email and Direct Number Details: Make it easy for your women prospects to locate and contact the people that they are working with. Email addresses, direct phone or even a cell number is ideal.

2.  Professional Photos of the Staff on the Website: By posting professional pictures of your staff with their names and titles, it is easy for customers to give a face to the voice they have spoken to. Or, at least, it will lower any anxiety or mystery about whom they will be working with during the car buying process

Did You Know?

The #1 online destination for women shoppers is your website? That’s right, dealer’s websites are the top on-line source women visit when in the car buying funnel. Yet, one-third of women report that their dealer’s website was NOT helpful. Making the access, usability, color, content and design appeal as user-friendly as possible is paramount to YOUR business success.

3. The New Standard: No AOL or Yahoo’s in emails: A Hotmail or AOL email address on the dealership business card does not cut it today. Simply put, it comes across as unprofessional and dated. Certainly an Apple, Nordstrom or Lulu Lemon Sales Advisor doesn’t hand out their business card with an “aol” or “yahoo” email. When giving cards to women clients, make sure the email is professional and customized according to your dealership name.  

4. Quick Access to the GSM or Sales Manager: Lastly, customer delays on hold can be inevitable when trying to reach the GSM, Sales manager or ISM. Still, it may be frustrating for women customers to wait and then interact with a receptionist because a voice mailbox is full.
Allowing customers to get through in seconds without long hold times can make a big difference to your women customers calling. Even if it means taking the call and saying hello just to set up a time to call them – it sends a message of transparency, interest and availability. 

For more "Small Changes in Your Digital Footprint Create Easier Access for Women," Click Here.

Want to Sell More Cars and Distinguish your Dealership to Women?  Click here

Did you receive a Free copy of the 2014 Women’s Car Buying Report? Click here.

Good Selling!

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