There is something going on with dealership websites that needs to stop ASAP!
It’s something that should be pretty obvious, but clearly isn’t.
Know what I’m talking about?
Most websites for car dealers look, feel and flow the same way as each other.
They all have the same messaging, calls-to-action, design concepts and lack the site traffic needed to make a big impact on gross or net profits.
The problem is that automotive consumers are much more web-savvy than they’ve ever been.
They have been conditioned to use the internet in a specific way based on the sites they visit on a regular basis.
Sites like Amazon, eBay, Facebook and other ecommerce and social sites.
Most dealer websites are not providing the experience that online users are already used to. They are playing catchup.
I think most dealers would agree that the objective of their website is to get more leads from their website. After all, more leads = more sales opportunities, right?
Well here’s a secret that will get your website converting traffic like a machine.
I must warn you, that this secret will require...WORK.
Nonetheless, it’s a tried and tested strategy that will separate your dealership from the vast majority of other dealers and help you dominate your market online.
If you look at the other websites out there that your consumers are visiting on a regular basis, what do they all have in common?
Information in the form of content.
You see, every day MILLIONS of automotive consumers are going online to research your products and services. You know what they’re finding? Your competitors.
Why? Because your competitors are providing more information on their websites than you are.
Why is it that I can go online and find more information about a $20 cell phone case than most consumers can about the second largest investment of their life?
Think about it!
You need to get more content on your website that covers a variety of topics.
Blog about the latest vehicles on your lot. Do video test drives. Talk about your products and services in a way that provides REAL value to your customers. Leave the pitch out.
Just focus on value, value, value and more value.
The cool thing about providing value in the form of content is that you’ll attract the right type of customers to your site.
All you need to do is identify the type of customer you wish to attract and then create content that speaks to them.
When you know who you’re speaking to, it gets that much easier to know what to ask them as well. All you have to do is line up the call-to-action with the content that you’ve created.
This strategy will give you an immediate increase in leads because you’ll be able to leverage your existing site traffic.
So here’s the breakdown on how to get started:
1.) Figure out what type of customer you want to speak to (vehicle sales, parts, services, finance etc.)
2.) Create content in the form of a blog, videos, images etc that speak to them about what they’re interested in
3.) Keep the pitch out of your content - just focus on providing REAL value to the customer
4.) Include a call-to-action that’s relevant to your content
Doing so will allow you to:
1.) Leverage your existing site traffic
2.) Attract new Qualified site traffic
3.) Increase leads from your website
Have fun with this, and feel free to comment with your questions if you’d like some help getting started.