CEO of Dealer Synergy Sean Bradley normally does a Make Money Mondays segment every Monday providing excellent tips for people in the automotive industry to make money. Each week is a different topic. This version is a special edition because it includes the executive trainer for Dealer Strong, Shawn Foster. He provides insight into helping dealers determine what they are going to do with the vehicle prior to sending it to get serviced to sell to lenders. There needs to be a form of action to make a plan on how to plan to sell a car before going to service it. This is all very valuable information.If this sort of information interests you as advised be sure to find out more about our IS20Group as discussed by General Manager at Dealer Synergy, Joe Cala. The link is provided below.
Find out more about Dealer Strong on their website:
Get more motivation and personal improvement tips on the Make Money Mondays site:
Attend the automotive industry's most popular workshop in New York in May 2015 for more information on these topics. Sign up today:
Are you interested in automotive services from Dealer Synergy? It is located in Audobon, New Jersey but serves clients all over the U.S: