When you miss your bonus, when you lose a deal, when you have to deal with angry and bitter customers who don't like sales people, when you have internal company stress, motor vehicle issues, and service problems, other sales reps skating you and the list goes on and on, it can cause a very positive day to turn real negative real fast!
Here are some Big Idea's to put to use when you see negative stuff spreading through the atmosphere of your store:
1. Have a quick huddle with your team and inject positive reinforcement
Talk to your team and give them inspiration. REMIND them that great things are in store for them. REMIND them that you got there backs and will help them to get through any of the negative stuff they're dealing with. You stay positive! As a leader of your organization, reassure the team you will help them take any stumbling block they have encountered and turn it into a stepping stone to become better and to improve. As the head goes so does the body. Lead by example and they will follow.
2. Allow time for you to recharge
If you have any wireless electronic devices eventually if you never recharge the batteries, the devices will not work any longer. So to avoid this we have chargers. Chargers for home, for work, for the car, etc... Wherever we go we make sure we have chargers, because if not we can't enjoy the benefits and features of our devices. When it comes to our work life and life in general we ALSO need to recharge ourselves. We should always be aware of our LIFE batteries charge throughout our days. We should have something with us everywhere we go, just like we do with our cell phones, laptops, ipads and tablets, to recharge our batteries when they become low. Something for at home, at work, in the car, on vacation and wherever we go. What recharges you? It can be different for everyone, but whatever it is find some form of it to have access to it at all times to help you stay recharged when you become drained from the dealings of work and other things that may drain your charge.
3. As best as you can, stay away from people and situations that are negative
There's no doubt that some negative stuff in life and at work will find us and we will have to experience it and deal with it. Then there's always going to be the negative people and situations that are happening around us that we can either choose to or not to be a part of. STAY AWAY from it! Choose to walk away and hang with someone or somewhere else. Keep yourself clean of it and free from it. You have a choice to choose whether you allow it in or not. As hard as it may be to hold back from joining in, especially when it's about something or someone you just experienced in your life, so now you can really let it out about how it made you feel, DON'T DO IT! Walk away and recharge!
As you do you will begin to change the atmosphere of your life and take the weather with you wherever you go, rather then always living under the weather being subject to the atmosphere and surroundings you have no control over. Stay positive and you will see a change!
Thank you!
so true....
thank u
Good article....stay charged......