Lets keep it as "real" as possible... We are in the car business for one reason... TO MAKE MONEY!! If you want to hug trees and save the earth, you are in the wrong industry. Don't get me wrong, you can make a ton of money and DONATE it to those charities... but as far as anything deeper... a Car Dealership is not the place to "change the world". So, lets be honest with each other... PLEASE.
Now, that we got that out of the way we can focus on the issue at hand here... MAKING MONEY. If you are NOT interested in making money, then please LOG OFF NOW.
Let me start by introducing myself to those of you who do not know me... I am Sean V. Bradley, CEO of Dealer Synergy and I am a Millionaire Car Salesman! There are numerous people in the Auto industry that are Millionaires but few who who have come from the places I have come and achieved what I have achieved.
Let me give you a little background. I came from a HORRIBLE Child Hood, Psychotic Family, Terrible Abuse, Tortured both physically and mentally. Dead Beat Father... He was NEVER around. Everyone HATED me as a kid. I was sent to a boys home when I was 12 until I was 15... 3 years in an institution as a kid.
I came home put myself in College. I put my self in the ARMY ROTC, I put myself in Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity... I worked for every cent I had. It was hard, but it was MINE.
(I had SOME TRULY SUREAL EXPERIENCES THAT I WILL OutLINE iN THE FUTURE) But... Long Story Short, I dropped out of college and got a "JOB" at a car dealership... mostly because they gave me a DEMO LOL!!
I then went from being DEAD broke to being salesman of the month... salesman of the YEAR (Weisleder Lincoln Mercury Mazda). I was a REAL 30 Car GUY!!
I went through EVERY training the dealership gave me, every training from the OEM, EVERY training from the Internet Sale Companies... Hell, I studied EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING I could!
** I actually studied website design. I read books on HTML, Dynamic HTML, JAVA, Macromedia FLASH, Front Page, Dream Weaver etc...
I studied the VERY early Search Engine Optimization... utilizing software like "Web Position Gold".
I went to workshop after workshop... I even got certified at the International Academy of Search Engine Optimization & Wordtracker...
I spent YEARS chasing and FINALLY getting the partnership with FranklinCovey... I spent another 3 years flying all over the United States getting CERTIFIED as a Facilitator and Instructor of the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" AND... "The 5 Choices Of Extraordinary Productivity". I even got the opportunity to meet Dr. Stephen Covey!!
I even managed to get accepted into the National Speakers association (NSA).
I went from a College degenerate, broke and desperate to... successful.
Because, I was gaining knowledge, I started gaining success.... because I was successful, I started to MAKE MONEY.
***People, I left Cherry Hill Nissan in 2003 making approximately $170,000 as a BDC Director!!
I had ONLY been in the car business 5 years... 5 friggen years!!! From BROKE to FLUSH... $170,000 at age 26
I was 26 making almost $200,000 per year, driving a Lexus etc... And then I gave it all up to "roll the dice" and start a consulting company.
You have NO idea how many people told me I was crazy giving up that Salary, that demo, that security, everything...
I didn't care! I felt I was destined for something BIGGER... I felt I had it in me to do something even bigger. I had NO official business education or skills yet I decided to "roll the dice" and start a national company with NO MONEY... LOL!
Well people it worked! I have generated OVER Ten Million Dollars. ($10,000,000+) Not Bad for a "Piece of Shit" "project kid"...
I LOVE this industry. I really do... I BLEED Gasoline. I am a "Car Guy". I LOVE this industry, because you can EARN as MUCH as you want!
Do you REALLY want to make money? Are you tired of the "carats"? Let me HELP YOU FOR FREE!
Why should you listen to me...?
- Well for starters I am a Millionaire
- I have generated over 10 Million... actually $11,000,000+ for MYSELF!
- I Own Millions of Dollars in Real Estate
- I have Porsches, Mercedes, Motorcycles, ATVs and other Motor Sports
- I have security... Millions in Life Insurance, 401Ks etc...
- Hundreds of Thousands in Jewelry....
- Assets, Assets, Assets and MORE Assets...
- Married to a BEAUTIFUL Woman with 3 AMAZING Kids and Boxer Puppy Named "7".
*** I know how to make money
I have EVERYTHING that a Human Being can possibly want or NEED!
Everything I have is BECAUSE of the Car Industry... Everything I am, Everything I have is because of the Car Industry.
You have NO IDEA... I am FIRST GENERATION in this country. My family was and some are STILL VERY POOR. They live in the "Hood", They live in the projects of New York City and London...
I have realized the American dream. I am able to give my children things I ONLY saw on TV... Things that I only fantasized about as a kid. These things are my everyday reality.
How crazy is it that I own a whole national company with over 20 FULL time employees (not to mention part timers, interns and general contract agents...) that depend on Dealer Synergy to feed themselves and their families... It is surreal! It is an honor to have this responsibility and it is crazy that I went from destitute to BOSS... But it is all thanks to the CAR BUSINESS!
I am tremendously grateful for being in the BEST INDUSTRY in the world. In an industry that can take a "piece of shit nobody and make him into a Millionaire BOSS that can change lives all over this country!
Guess what... YOU CAN TOO! Seriously if I can do it... YOU CAN TOO! I have literally trained THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of people! I have seen fledglings become successful, I have been blessed to have mentored countless entrepreneurs and Automotive Professionals...
Do you REALLY want to be successful...? Do you REALLy want to learn how to MASTER YOUR CRAFT and BECOME a Millionaire Car Sales Man?
I can help You and I will help you... As a matter of fact, it is MY RESPONSIBILITY and DUTY to HELP YOU!
I have been Blessed by having some AMAZING Mentors in my life that took the time to teach me, motivate me, inspire me... be PATIENT with me. And thank GOD they did... Look at me now!
I want to help as many people as possible. All you have to do is EMBRACE ME and my philosophy.
You might ask "Why"... Why do you want to help me?
Great question!
Here is my Answer... Life is too short! We ONLY have 86,400 seconds in a day and when they are gone they are gone!
A VERY dear friend of mine, an inspiration of mine, a friend of mine and a business associate of mine just DIED at age 42 years old. WTF?? He was a beautiful human being... hell, a BETTER person than ME and he is gone. As an Automotive Professional Would Say "It Is What It Is"! But I think of Karry EVERY DAY. I DO... I realize that life is TOO SHORT. I sincerely want to help people. I want to see people EVOLVE, I want to assist people with their "work / life balance". I have been blessed with more than I could have EVER hoped for. I want to GIVE BACK.
If you are seriously interested in learning from me, if you are serious about evolving, if you are serious about SYNERGY ... let me know. It would be my pleasure to share in your success!
My pleasure David!
you lead I'll follow
@ David Bradley For me... or for anyone that is looking to evolve?
Well said
That's why we have Dealer Synergy in our dealership!!!