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Why Reputation Management Matters: Your Legacy

“The opinions in this blog are mine alone and not the opinions of who I work for”

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Recently I spoke at an “event” in Portland, Oregon. The room was not at capacity, however those that attended were very engaged. One of my co-workers welcomed the small workshop attendees and dived into best practices for website optimization, SEO and SEM. His down to earth approach, humor and Subject Matter Expertise shone brightly that morning in the Washington room at The Red Lion. Using common sense approaches he brought what some would consider a very high level discussion to level that was easily digestible.

After lunch I took the stage. As there were a couple executives from my place of employment there I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous. I said “amen” and dove into Reputation Management. There was great discussion from the crowd of best practices, things that worked and what to be careful not to do and who they would recommend their peers stay away from. I was then asked if I really thought if Reputation Management mattered at the end of the day. I took a different approach then I normally do this is what my response was…

One of the most influential speakers, authors and someone who changed my life, Gary Vaynerchuk has said legacy is more valuable than currency. Right now I don’t want you to think about money. Don’t think about selling a car, don’t think about servicing another truck. Think about your children and grandchildren. Think about what they will discover about you online. For the most part, what is put online will be there in some form forever. Think about what they will learn about who you were and the organization you worked for. Taking money out of the equation, what do you want your legacy to be?

I am happy to say this made some people in the room think about what their Reputation meant. What do you want to be known for?

Safe travels.

To see what makes a good review click here

To see the 2 most critical items in reputation management click here

Oh and pardon my errors…I stink at typing:)

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marketing solution SusanGivens
video search engineoptimization increases salesby 45 percent
Video Search Engine Optimization (VSEO)
marketing solution SusanGivens
video search engineoptimization increases salesby 45 percent
Video Search Engine Optimization (VSEO)
their dealership dominates the most popularsearch terms on all of the major search

engines organically with high-impact videos.

This practice has become vital to successful

online marketing strategies. Online video is

fast-becoming a highly effective and cost-
effective means of advertising within the

automotive industry.

In the last two years, there has been an

undeniable surge in the number of online
video viewers, with approximately 175 millionunique viewers watching an average of morethan 900 minutes of online video each a
month, based on an October 2010 report by, and
predicts nine out of 10 Internet users will beconsuming video by 2012.

In 2007, Google pioneered “universal search,”
otherwise known as “blended search,” where

multiple search results are returned in oneconvenient results display that includes
Websites, news

articles, images,
press releases,
maps, blogs, socialmedia, e-commerce

and video.

Google’s universal
search capabilityundoubtedlykicked online video
marketing into high


According toGoogle, searchersare 55 percent morelikely to click onthumbnail video
images than staticlinks and because
of this Googlegives more rankingauthority to video,
thus placing videoson the top of search

engine results.
“People would

rather watch the
movie than read the
book,” said KarryMoore, presidentand founder of


com, the company

is the process of ensuring that video assetsgenerate the highest-possible volume of

quality traffic to your Website. Dealerships

such as Gary Mathews of Jackson, in Jackson,
Tennessee, recently implemented a digitalmarketing platform to help them appear ontop of the leading search engines like Google,
Yahoo!, Bing and YouTube in their local marketto attract, sell and service more customers

profitably. “My Internet department has been

doing 40 to 45 percent of the dealership’sbusiness, and that’s true accountable sells,

not just sourcing,” said Duran Cage, InternetDirector for Gary Mathews of Jackson.

With more than 88 percent of ready-to-buy

consumers using search engines to shop,
most dealers are scrambling to outbid theircompetitors to appear on top for the most

popular search phrases in their market.

Gary Mathews uses a VSEO company thatautomates thousands of activities to ensure

that Gary Mathews uses. “VSEO is ‘targeted

TV,’ and VSEO allows dealers to deliver their

message to engaged consumers.”

Additionally, dealers can now have multiple

listings on “Page One” by implementing astrong SEO and VSEO strategy. Traditionally,

dealers could get only one listing for a

keyword or phrase such as “Jackson TN,
Hyundai Santa Fe” or “Hyundai Santa FeJackson TN” because they only had one
Website optimized for that phrase. Now with
VSEO, they can build on that single Website

return to have multiple video listings on thatpage, which creates more exposure for thedealership and keeps the competition relegated

to “Page 2” results.

Google indexes all video-sharing sites, not

just YouTube. This means that the more video

sites a dealer distributes their video content to,
the more opportunity that the search engineswill have to index those videos and consider
it relevant content for search returns; thus,
multiple listings for keywords or phrases such

as “Jackson Hyundai Santa Fe.”

Video has become such a game-changerthat VSEO companies like the one GaryMathews of Jackson uses have developed and

launched the automotive industry’s first truevideo search portal, www.CarBuyersEngine.

com, the only video portal of its kind whereconsumers can research and shop for new

and used vehicles, find a dealership, reviewvehicle comparisons or financing withoutthe typical online “clutter” — meaning, no

pop-ups or annoying previews to sit through

before video begins.

The Internet is an ever-changing landscape and
dealers need to keep pace with the changes.

There are no silver bullets, but clearly videoand VSEO need to be incorporated into a

dealers’ online digital strategy. “We want to
‘own’ the Jackson market and video is helping
take us to the next level,” Cage said.

Susan Givens is the publisher of AutoSuccess.
She can be contacted at 877.818.6620, or by
e-mail at


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Hello to all Automotive Internet Sales Professionals, my name is Durran Cage and I am the Internet Sales Director at Gary Mathews of Jackson in Tennessee. My team and I are very thankful to be the first Automotive Internet Sales Dealer of the Month! This could not have been done without the efforts of my hard working Internet Sales Coordinators and Internet Sales Managers, Sean Bradley, Stan "the man" Sher, and the entire DS staff. Big thanks to you all! Automotive Internet Sales changes from day to day and not a day goes by that I don't learn something new, so I am excited to here and see all the ideas and suggestions listed on and also posting some thoughts of my own as well.

A brief background of my history in the automotive business, I first started in the car business at 17 years old selling cars at Zangara Dodge in Albuquerque, New Mexico. While selling at the dealership I was also able to get my Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with a Concentration in Accounting, I then went to work for Chrysler as a District Sales Manager over West Tennessee, Memphis, and Mississippi Chrysler Dodge Jeep Dealers. The District Sales Manager position allowed me to go into 15-20 different dealerships on a weekly basis, and by doing this I was able to take bits and pieces from each dealership on what's effective and what has been proven to be ineffective in sales and service. I also started to see that there was a major piece of business missing in each dealership, the Internet Department. Can you believe that not a single dealership in Memphis or West Tennessee had an Internet Sales Department? I then took the opportunity to resign from Chrysler and join a very aggressive dealer by the name of Alan Vines who was ready to take the internet to the next level but was not sure if he could find the right person for the job... I joined Gary Mathews of Jackson in August 4, 2008, and it has been nothing but a blessing since. And with the recent help of Dealer Synergy, we were able to double our sales and we are continually trying to improve our department on a daily basis. As many of you know, it's not just about consistency within an Internet Department, it is more about consistent implementation and discipline of sticking to the basics and fundamentals of your Internet Sales Process. I look forward to obtaining new ideas and suggestions through Once again I am thank the Internet Sales Managers and Internet Sales Coordinators at Gary Mathews and DS staff for all the support and success.

If you have any ideas, suggestions, questions, or would like to contact me, you can do so by emailing or calling me directly at 731-394-6907 at anytime.

Take Care

Durran Cage

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