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Every time I see a certain friend of mine, she ends up singing this song from AutoTune the news. She's downloaded the iPhone app, bought the song on iTunes, and consistently quotes it in normal conversation. It's funny. It's controversial. It's a little bit ridiculous. It's also been viewed over 32 million times on YouTube, was a Billboard Top100 hit, was performed at the BET Awards, and is still an iTunes top download.[youtube=]I also have my own viral video addiction, which is just under 18 million YouTube views, and has it's own song (also by AutoTune the News). The creator has been on Jimmy Kimmel, is featured in a Microsoft WindowsLive Commercial, and is starting a non-profit healing center from funds raised through the video.[youtube=]What is it about these videos that sticks with us? And more important, what do Antoine Dodson and a double rainbow have to do with your business's social media strategy? The answer is simple: authenticity.Both of these videos epitomize real, human reactions and emotions; these videos are honest. Authenticity creates results, so don't be afraid to let loose and lose a little control over your message and your brand. Encourage discussion. Address criticism. Engage in conversation. People will respect your honesty, and in turn, respect your brand. Focus on these goals to get your social media strategy started right.Next time, I'll build on this to explain how respect can turn into evangelism. Stay tuned!Ps- right now, proceeds from the Bed Intruder song and iPhone app are going to Antoine Dodson and his family so they can buy a home in a safer neighborhood. Learn more here: you can buy official double rainbow tshirts here:
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I just wanted to thank everyone for helping us put this site together :)

I am amazed by how much we got accomplished in only a couple of days. The site is going to be completed by the November Internet Sales 20 Group in Philadelphia.

PLEASE remember to add your profile picture... It would be nice for everyone to get an idea of who they are communicating with. Remember this isn't, its not that deep lol!

Continue to add articles, blog posts, pictures and of course video... anything that you feel is relevant and or important to you that you think other people in the community would see value in.

Thanks again for being part of AIS!


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We Are Still Building - Be Patient, It Will Be Worth The Wait! is being created by the top experts in the Automotive Internet Sales Industry. The objective of the site is simple... to create the most comprehensive site for everything and anything related to Automotive Internet Sales.

We just finsished

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