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         For many of us email management isn’t always a top priority, but perhaps that is something we need to change. By doing so, you can cut the clutter; reduce your stress and delegate tasks to your employees and coworkers.

            One of our team leaders utilizes a method he calls the 3D method and says if followed correctly it works wonderfully.

            First D: Delegate. Should you receive an email and run in to a scenario where you either don’t have time or you know of someone who is better suited for the task, delegate the email. Prior to doing so, ask yourself “Can they handle it?” If your answer is yes, send it their way, if you hesitate to answer the question find another team member.

            Second D: Delete. We all receive emails about someone having a baby or a birthday. You offer your well wishes along with 35 of your coworkers. Next thing you know you are receiving numerous alerts with animated GIFs. Get rid of it and carry on with your day. I’m guilty of leaving those emails in my inbox, forgetting they exist and moving on. They just build up and serve no real purpose. Reducing clutter will help lower your stress level.

            Deleting an email also serves as a mini to-do list. You’ve read the email, you’ve either delegated the task or you completed it yourself. Check it off your list-or delete it.

            Third D: Decide. Decide what to do with the email, do you delete or delegate? Should it be read now or later? Setting up filters, such as color-coding, can help make this decision easier and quicker. You can set it for specific groups of people, subscriptions, and level of importance. For example, if I create an orange filter for the management team, blue for subscriptions and green for clients, my inbox may have 1 orange, 3 blue and 3 green. I can see right away which email needs to be handled immediately and which can wait.

            These are some simple tips and tricks that work for us and keep us on track during our day. You might have a different system that works for you, and, that’s fantastic. Let us know what you’re doing! We’re always open to suggestions, tricks and tidbits. 

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Filming With Drones


          As you know, we are constantly researching technology, trends, and best practices for our clients. This includes finding the best way to film dealership footage.

            Our team is use to attaching their cameras to a jib crane system in order to achieve a wide shot for our clients. Which, works great, but is there something better out there? Unless you know someone with a helicopter, or have the finances to rent one, purchasing a drone and attachments is the next best thing. When they made their first appearance the cost was through the roof and they were hard to find. Now they are a bit more economical; you can buy one for around one thousand dollars. They are also more readily available and easier to get your hands on than they were a few years ago.

            Another great aspect of using a drone for shooting footage is that it can reach higher heights than a jib and can fly lower than a helicopter. The controllers are similar in functionality to that of remote control car, which makes learning to fly one a fairly easy task. Drones also have a threes-axis stabilization, meaning; even if your control skills are a little choppy your footage will still look great.

            Now you’re thinking, ok sounds great, but how do I know the camera is filming what I want? You are able to view everything via Smartphone video feed displays; which will connect to the drone via Wi-Fi. You can do this either with your phone or with a remote with a display screen.

            As far as the battery is concerned, most have the capability to recognize when the percentage is low and will fly back to your GPS location. Others come with a bracelet for you to wear which the drone will fly back to.

            As of right now there are not a lot of rules, regulations and restrictions for drones. At this point we know they cannot be used near airports, government facilities or state parks. This as we know it will change the future for how our team will work on their production trips.

           If you're looking for an opportunity to take your video production to the next level, contact us today!

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Are You Live Yet?

You Have Countless Options for Streaming Live Video to Your Customers

Want to video chat your customers? Find out what tools are available. This week, learn how to use Periscope, Meerkat, and Facetime to build a personal connection with your customers and sell more cars!

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The landscape of marketing has changed over the last couple of decades, and digital marketing continues to change almost daily. ROI is getting easier to determine, and marketing agencies are being fired left and right by businesses looking to maximize benefit by having just one good agency rather than several mediocre, behind-the-times vendors.

As budgets shift, digital marketing agencies should strive to provide more personalized customer engagement. This requires different competencies from marketers, including knowledge of data analytics and content creation to improve ROI.

Specialized knowledge is a huge benefit here. Car dealerships should seek out digital marketing agencies as partners with knowledge specific to the automotive industry for best results, rather than an agency that covers multiple business verticals. Some key skills these agencies should have include the ability to manage large amounts of data, the capability to create sales funnels for each marketing channel that truly reflect a shopper’s intent and of course the nimbleness to overcome financial barriers and still demonstrate ROI.

The world is becoming tougher for digital marketing agencies whose methodology includes generic or cookie-cutter approaches to generating leads. How are you all staying absolutely up to date on all the latest ways to engage and retain business digitally?

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Facebook’s Floating Video

Much like the rest of the social media world, Facebook is continually changing. One aspect they have been working on and improving is their approach to videos.

Thankfully, the days of scrolling through your news feed and having a video instantly play are long gone. Facebook has stepped up their game for desktop in regards to a user’s video options. We are now able to detach a video from your newsfeed and move it off to the side of your browser window. We are able to do so by an icon located in the lower right hand corner of the video.

This functionality is especially helpful for those who want to multitask; view endless memes and status updates while catching up on a news story or event from the day.

As of right now it is only desktop compatible and once you navigate away from the news feed, the video will end. However, you are still able to Like and share the video, in addition to play/pause and close the floating window.

Interested in advancing your social media marketing strategy? Contact us today.

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You're losing great leads every day

How You Can Sell a Car to Your Customers' Neighbors

You're losing sales every month, and by making this one simple change you can put a stop to missing high-converting leads. On this week's Think Tank Tuesday, I cover how you can turn all of your sales into multiple sales by just following this simple strategy. And to ensure your success, I'm offering you a downloadable template to make implementing this strategy today easy.

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It’s no secret that a majority of customers now browse and shop on their mobile devices. While many businesses have mobile ads running, there are some key ways to think about these channels that should enlighten them as to why mobile advertising is more important than ever.

Many people still use desktops and laptops every day. However, most of these users also keep their mobile devices by their side the entire time. When they are served an ad on a desktop or laptop, there is definitely a “third party” effect where the ad is in a way intruding on the user’s experience. This makes the ad a little bit easier to ignore. However, most people view their mobile devices as a bit more “personal” than their desktops and laptops. Thus, when a user is served up mobile advertising, theoretically there is a slight increase in the chance that they will pay attention. The shopper sees the mobile ad as slightly more legitimate in this fashion - they are more “familiar” with the messaging they receive via the devices they view as more personal.

Generally, people are easily distracted from advertising. Often times, someone that works on a laptop or desktop all day will periodically check their mobile devices. However, people will generally not stop looking at their mobile device to check their laptop or desktop. Thus, mobile advertising should earn more of a user’s focus than that shown on a “regular” computer. While people have trouble concentrating on a desktop or laptop in favor of their phone or tablet, the reverse is generally not true.

Shoppers generally feel more familiarity and focus with their mobile devices than their desktops or laptops. What other psychological benefits of mobile advertising can you think of?

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How to Create Better Content in Less Time

One of the problems most individuals and businesses face with content production is the amount of time it takes to create great content. Whether you’re a nutritionist trying to build an incredible blog, or a car dealer that wants to improve your automotive SEO, content takes a lot of time and it can oftentimes feel like there’s never enough of it to do quality work.

In this post, I’ll provide step-by-step details on how you can stop feeling overwhelmed by and start creating better content in less time:

Do Research in Bulk

If there’s one thing that slows down content production, it’s on-the-fly research. You should be gathering resources and taking notes before committing to anything substantial.

Not only will this help you better understand the topic at hand, it will allow you to reference things quickly without getting lost in a sea of resources. You need to have a plan ahead of time in order to efficiently produce content.

In the end, bulk research also helps you better understand the topic. You’re not just reading bits and pieces needed for your content, you’re actually trying to comprehend it.

For example, this would be the difference between reading a textbook and just skimming through for specific details. Sure, you might know dates and names, but you won’t know the deeper significance.

Create an Outline for Every Piece of Content

Content without an outline is like a road trip without a route. You need to know what you want to talk about, what order you’re going to do it in, and how it all flows to create an engaging, informative finished product.

To help you understand exactly what an outline is, here’s a look at the outline I put together for this post:

  • Do Research in Bulk
    • On-the-fly research slows down production
    • You’ll understand the topic better
  • Create an Outline for Every Piece of Content
    • You wouldn’t start a road trip without a route, would you?
    • Provide example outline, explanation
    • Advice on using the outline to write more efficiently
  • Create a Process for Staying on Track
    • Process brings creativity to the surface
    • Breakdown of personal process
    • Be aware of the time
  • Before Writing, Ask Yourself: “How Can I Make This Idea Better?”
    • Your content will never be perfect
    • Visualize and re-read outline
  • Read and Edit on the Fly
    • Good habit to get back on track, catch errors

As you can see, the headings featured on this post are my main talking points. Within those, I add specific notes below so that I know exactly what I want to say before I get begin the actual writing process.

Use the outline as a visualization of what you want to achieve with each individual piece of content. Be as detailed as possible to ensure that you’re able to finish a thought and move right into the next part without getting distracted or lost in thought.

When practiced over the course of a few months, it’s possible to create content in half the time it might have previously taken. And that’s all while improving upon the overall quality as well.

Before Writing, Ask Yourself: “How Can I Make This Idea Better?”

Content is never perfect, and I don’t think it can ever labeled as such. But that doesn’t mean we give up and just write whatever pops into our heads without thinking.

Once you’ve got your outline, take a few minutes to look it over and think about how you can make the idea even better. Sometimes we’re in a rush, sometimes we’re not focused on the work at hand, and adding this element can really ground you in order to help create better content.

Don’t force ideas, but visualize the flow of the content and try to fill any missing blanks with pockets of useful information. You’d be surprised at how often just asking yourself if that’s really the best you can do will spark new and creative ideas.

Create a Process for Staying on Track

While there’s some belief that process hinders creativity, you’ll find you can bring creativity to the surface with less effort when you simply create a process and stick to it.

Here’s a breakdown of how I personally work on content:

  • Starting Research (keywords, related content search, inspiration)
  • Topical Research (links to resources and notes)
  • Create Outline
  • Go Over Research and Finalize Outline
  • Start Writing in the Middle
  • Read Through Content and Create Introduction/Conclusion
  • Brief Final Editing/Formatting
  • Publish

Having this process laid out gives me the structure needed to stay consistent with the quality of my work. I rarely feel like I’m missing anything, and I always know where I’m going with the work.

Additionally, be aware of how much time you’re spending on certain parts of your process. I like to set a timer and give myself 15minutes per 300-word section. This is just enough time to do great work, but will also let me know that I’ve spent too much time on any particular part.

Read and Edit on the Fly

The final editing process should be easy if you make a habit of reading and editing your work on the fly. When I feel stuck, I like to read through the last 300 or so words to help regain my flow. It’s also a great time to catch any errors that may have slipped through.

By the end, all you need to do is briefly re-read the content to ensure it’s good to go.


If you’re worried you could be doing more to better your content writing abilities, don’t just keep doing the same thing, hoping to improve. Take action now and identify specific problems with your process!

This post was originally published on the Wikimotive blog on July 13, 2015. 

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Digital Marketing tips for non-failure

There are many digital marketing success articles out there, but not many focus on simply what not to do - which can be equally as important. While most modern businesses should have digital marketing campaigns to acquire business, many will not understand whether the marketing is working, or even what kind of value they should be seeking from each channel.

One digital marketing mistake to avoid is getting too caught up in the results of marketing tactics used, and not confirming that those results align to a business strategy. A strategy would be comprised of an overall goal of the marketing such as gaining 25% sales growth by increasing online visibility, while tactics are the methods used to achieve said goal. Many marketers get bogged down in rankings increases, high click through rates and high levels of engagement on social media while producing zero advancement towards a business goal.

The reverse is also true. Many digital marketing mistakes originate from companies who have a strategy, but hire an agency with the cheapest price to execute. When the results of the tactics used are poor, the company assumes the strategy was not good to begin with. If a better agency had been used, the high potential of the strategy would have been revealed.

A final issue seen quite commonly is not actually finishing the different elements of a campaign that are needed. For example, if a site sits in development for too long, the marketing never occurs and the business goals are never achieved. Optimization is great, but many times execution is better than perfection. A website doesn't need to be absolutely perfect to drive positive ROI - and conversion optimization can occur down the road. If a campaign never gets off the ground, no data can be gained towards it’s betterment.

All in all, digital marketing is a complex machine with many moving parts and there are many ways to improve marketing for increased ROI. With an increased focus on aligning tactical results with strategy, having a good company to execute those tactics and make sure things actually live rather than be stuck in development indefinitely can help ensure that both the agency and business are happy with the results. What are some other pitfalls of digital marketing that need addressing?

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Stop Making This Marketing Mistake

Make These Changes Today To Get Your Marketing Strategy Running Smoothly

On this episode of Think Tank Tuesday, Senior Account Manager, Michelle Campbell joins me to cover these simple mistakes that can ruin your solid marketing strategy. Watch the video now to learn how to maintain consistency, use color to drive conversions, talk your customers' language, and how to determine what price-point should be advertised.

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Most successful business owners have some kind of strategy for marketing, growth and development. As such, most marketing now includes a digital budget, with various channels including display, pay-per-click, social, video and others. However, half of the companies doing digital marketing have no content marketing strategy. This is a major misstep, not only for SEO, but for overall brand growth.

While many companies understand that customers are searching online and have developed keyword-centered SEO content marketing strategies to address this, most of these strategies revolve around creating content with very little value, other than a higher rank in search engine results. Due to the amount of information available online for almost any product or service, the power in sales has shifted to the consumer. A good content marketing strategy is not only in line with a business's sales goals, but also provides enough useful information that it can be used as a resource for research as well as a landing page for sales. This "double duty" helps keep search engines and searchers alike happy, while creating authority and building trust.

While writing keyword-centric content is a good first step in a piece of content marketing, the aim should be to provide useful information (building trust and authority) while aiding in and aligning with the sales process of the business in some way. That way, a site doesn't just end up with a bunch of empty keyword optimized fluff for content, and will actually get visitors organically that choose to stay on the site to conduct research and shop.

Content marketing isn't just about pleasing search engines, it is also about aiding the sales process and building trust with consumers that have endless options for research and purchase. How are you all making your content beneficial for other things besides SEO?

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Periodic Table of SEO: In-Depth Content Guide

Periodic Table

While SEO is a simple practice once you learn the basics (and begin implementing strategies and techniques), it's often intimidating to beginners and those who don't specialize in digital marketing.

In order to help more and more people learn about SEO in a simple and organized fashion, Search Engine Land created the "Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors." At a glance, it provides a fundamental guide to the practice, but lacks the detail necessary to go from crawling to walking.

Below, we'll take a look at the content section of the table and dig deeper into the world of content for SEO to shape how you think about content and help you jumpstart your SEO.

Periodic Table of SEO - Content


You've probably heard the term "quality content" more times than you care to remember.

To cut out the confusion once and for all, there is no real definition to let someone know what separates good quality content from bad quality content.It's mostly a feeling.

  • Did you write enough to properly cover your topic?
  • Did you add too much content? (Fluff, irrelevant points, etc.)
  • How was your grammar?
  • Did the piece flow from one part to another?
  • What about relevant images, videos, links?

All of these questions need to be answered confidently before you can truly call your content "quality."


Even if your piece is a simple 500-word blurb on a topic, knowing the type of phrases and language people will use when searching this content is extremely important. Break out the Keyword Planner Tool found in Adwords and really take a few minutes to discover keywords related to your target topic.

The most basic optimization may not take a post from zero to hero on its own, but it can give it the extra boost in needs to bring in a good flow of regular traffic.


Did you integrate the phrases and keywords you discovered? How did you add them in? Did it affect your content's quality? (The way it reads and flows naturally.)

While inserting keywords for the SEO benefit is something most SEOs practice on a daily basis, you can't ruin the reading experience for the end user just to satisfy search engines.


Covering topics that are "in" or "trending" is not a new phenomenon, but Google rewards this with what they call "Query Deserved Freshness." The update itself is not new, and has been in action since 2007, but knowing that a certain type of content is treated differently in the SERPs may change how you create content, especially if you're in an industry where there's plenty of news.

For example, I love to take trending topics and turn them into longform content that goes beyond what other sites are reporting at the time.

Because not all readers are able to follow stories that update several times, so answering all of the questions they could have in one epic post is an extra way to add value while attaching your site to the QDF Train.


While I mentioned images and video in the quality section, the "vertical" Search Engine Land lists in their Periodic Table of SEO has to do with search engines that are dedicated to a single vertical. For example, Google Images is all about images, while Google News focuses on timely news related to pre-set categories or topics you search for on the site.

In order to have a balanced assortment of content, it's a good idea to try creating content for these different verticals. Whether that means utilizing custom photography or other imagery, shooting videos, or publishing regular news articles, it's possible to gain traction in multiple areas of content beyond just the written word.


Most sites might think they don't have a lot to provide Google with in regard to its Knowledge Graph, Direct Answers, and other useful information you see when you directly embedded in the SERPs nowadays.

Using on-page markup and structured data, such as Schema, you can optimize your pages to increase the likelihood that your content will be picked up by the Knowledge Graph and used in quick answers.

Many SEOs are against the idea of Google embedding information directly on the SERPs, while others see it as an easy way to stand out from the crowd. If picked up as a source of information, it's also another source of traffic to your site when users click on the source link Google often provides when pulling information from third-parties.


While your definition of quality may be different than mine, I like to think most digital marketers truly know the difference between quality content and thin content. It's often something you can spot within a few seconds of landing on a particular page, but some pages disguise thin content with well-designed pages and content templates.

Other terms used to describe thin content include "lacking substance," "useless," and "vague." This doesn't necessarily mean the content was too short, as many confuse thin content with anything under a certain word count.

Unfortunately, content can be thin even at 4,000 words. This is because Google's algorithm can't effectively rate your content based on its merit just yet. The search engine relies mostly on data from users to tell if content is supplying users with answers or not. If the data shows people bouncing from your site at an extremely high rate, it's likely your content sucks and isn't what search users are looking for.

While more words on the page can contribute to higher time on site, it can't prevent high bounce rates. Whether that means you work on increasing the quality of your content, or begin implementing a more hyper-focused approach to your topics, do your best to think of your target audience and what they want first and then worry about optimizing for Google and other search engines.


As you expand your knowledge of content and how to utilize it for SEO, you should naturally be mindful of ways you can improve your content. If necessary, create a checklist that you can use to go through each element mentioned in the content section of the Periodic Table of SEO. This will help you identify errors in your content, and will bring better content rankings and reader engagement. Good luck!

This post originally appeared on the Wikimotive blog on June 22, 2015. 

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Email Marketing Basic Tips

With all the social media, content and pay-per-click marketing available at the push of a button, many forget the power of email marketing. After all, who still uses email? Turns out, most people do, and email still gets surprisingly high response rates. The sole purpose of many campaigns is to build an email list. For the uninitiated, here are some email marketing tips to get started.

Target markets are key to email marketing. Make sure that the content of email marketing matches the audience it's being sent to. It is therefore a good idea, given access, to split email lists into targeted markets so that the recipients will receive the most relevant messaging and be more likely to respond.

Do not send email marketing to someone who didn't opt in. In the same vein, for those that did opt in, avoid sending spammy or extraneous messages. Simply deliver what was promised when the user opted in. Sending irrelevant messages or delivering messages to those that aren't interested is simply a waste of marketing time and money.

Other marketing channels such as social media, content marketing and pay-per-click SEM can help to get sign-ups for email marketing. This is often better than buying an email list from a shady marketing company. If a business is struggling to build a marketing list but wishes to do email marketing, it may be a benefit to try and get onto another related business' established email campaign until their own list can be built up.

The benefits have been widely talked about when it comes to classic email marketing. How are you all finding success building up your email marketing lists?

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Because of the success of his first book, "Win the Game of Googleopoly",  Dealer Synergy CEO Sean V. Bradley has decided to write another book. If you cannot wait for the new book, don't worry, the best selling author and award-winning automotive sales professional will also be speaking at several conferences throughout the remainder of the year. Don't miss your opportunity to see Sean in action, here is a list of his upcoming events. 

Sean V. Bradley Confirmed Speaking Engagements 2014-2015


9-10    NADA 20 Group - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Keynote Speaker) 


8-10    Industry Summit - Las Vegas, Nevada (Keynote Speaker and Award Winner) 

*Dealer Synergy will also be exhibiting at the convention* 

21-22   Internet Battle Plan - Detroit, Michigan (Keynote Speaker) 


18-19   NADA 20 Group - Kiawah, South Carolina (Keynote Speaker) 


TBD     Internet Sales 20 Group 8 - Miami, Florida 

March 2016

31 - April 3   NADA 2016 - Las Vegas, Nevada 

*Dealer Synergy will also be exhibiting at the convention* 

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So, you’ve received a poor review from a woman customer. Now what? First, remember poor reviews will happen. Someone will be unhappy with your dealership at some time. The same happens to Starbucks, Apple and Nordstrom. As long as the poor reviews are infrequent, they really are good news. Why?

  1. Customers expect to see a variety of ratings when reading reviews. If all are “exceptional”, customers will think they aren’t seeing the whole picture.
  2. You have a chance to correct the issue. Your dissatisfied customer could have not mentioned the problem and just told her friends. Instead, she took the time to tell you about it, and now you have a chance to work on it – and most importantly, the relationship
  3. It allows other women prospects to see the entire thread and see the larger picture as well as understand how you respond and treat customers.

The key issue for any ‘poor review’ is how you handle it. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Use rating services that allows this type of feedback to be held offline until you have a chance to resolve the problem. (Certified Dealers on allows 10 working days for customer resolution before posting the review.)
  2. Carefully read and note the real issue. Determine if it's a problem you need to address internally. Don’t dismiss it or think it is a one-time problem.
  3. Discuss the problem in a prompt manner with your customer. Be sure to thank her for the feedback and make sure she has been “heard and gotten.” Once the issue is firmly resolved, you may consider:

    a. Offer a service coupon and ask her to give you a chance to make up for the inconvenience.

    b. A follow up call from the Service Advisor or even the GM provides an appreciative touch.

    c. Free car washes or lunch for two can be in order.
  4. Resolve the issue internally, even if it was a one-time problem. If one customer reported the issue, other customers may have experienced the same thing.
  5. Ask the customer if they are willing to re-write another review based upon this issue being resolved to their satisfaction.

Did You Know?

Customers who leave a bad review have taken the time to tell you about it rather than just walking her business elsewhere. View this as an opportunity rather than a threat and reap the rewards. Customer retention and recognizing the residual revenue in the service drive is paramount. Keeping a customer costs a lot less than getting a new one.

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No One Reads, They Digitally Skim

With all the focus on the tactic of creating new content, many websites are starting to see real gains in SEO ranking. However, this may come at a cost of actual customers! Most of the text on a site is likely never read by shoppers, as people tend to digitally skim rather than actually read content word for word.

In a quest to make a website SEO-friendly, one should not allow pages to become overly verbose. When it comes to customers actually buying things, they want the information quickly and easily. Large graphics, videos, and other things that have little to do with SEO-friendly text content often are what sells a client.

Seeing as internet shoppers lack the time to slowly read information on a site, they will instead digitally skim the data on a page. Therefore, when creating pages that are designed for client interaction, the focus should be on creating the best shopping experience.

SEO friendly text doesn't need to be at odds with the shopping habit of clients who digitally skim information. Bullet points are a great way to quickly convey information that both search engines and pressed-for-time shoppers can pick up. Lists in general help clients get the facts quickly without having to wade through tons of location and keyword rich text.

SEO optimization and new content is great for a website. However, a balance must be struck between what resonates with customers and what resonates with search engines. How are you all appealing to both search engines and real live readers?

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Staying Motivated During Your Job Search

A job search can be both extremely stressful and somewhat of an emotional roller coaster. With all the applications, resume building, and interviews, one day you could be flying high on cloud nine ready to conquer the world and the next you could find yourself in a slump. Present day job searches require more time and energy than ever before. Therefore, it is extremely important to stay motivated throughout the process. Here are a few simple ways to stay positive while searching for the job of your dreams. 

Prepare for the process - You have to face the reality that you will not find a new job overnight. There will be weeks where you will not have any contact from potential employers. In fact, research shows that your job search will take approximately one month for every $15,000 you plan to earn. The trick is to stay positive and not fall into a downward spiral because your job search is taking longer than expected. 

Don't give up on yourself - Every jobseeker has to keep the faith. Your job search is all about selling yourself to employers and hiring managers. It is very important to stay optimistic during this time, because if you don't believe in yourself who will. Your ultimate goal is to prove that you will be an asset to the company. 

Network - Never be embarrassed to search your job situation with others. Networking is a great way to find a new position. Over 40% of jobseekers said they used networking as a means to land a new job. Even if you don't find a new gig, networking is an excellent way to meet new people with similar interests. 

Set goals - Setting daily, weekly, and monthly goals will keep you on track during the hunt for new employment. Having targets to reach will help you stay focused and motivate you to send resumes and reach out to employers. Once you reach those goals you will feel good about yourself and your progress. 

Maintain a healthy work/life balance - Even though you are unemployed, you should think of your job search as a job. With that said, it is extremely important to keep a work/life balance. Step away from the computer and go out with friends, do something you enjoy, or find a new hobby.

Although your job search may be stressful and appear never-ending, it is imperative that you remain motivated. Never giving up, setting goals, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can aid in this process. Remember, it all the stress and frustration will be worth it when you land that dream job. 

If you are looking for a career in automotive sales, visit

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