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Quote of the Day - Possibilities

Do you ever feel this way? Especially at work? Do you have a boss who is constantly asking you to do things that seem impossible? Are you a coordinator who sees making MORE calls every day as though you are being asked to climb Mount Everest using only a licorice rope? I love this quote! Can you imagine trying to slam a revolving door? The reality is that even though that task seems impossible, it is possible with the right tools. The next thing you are asked to do that seems impossible, take a deep breathe and see if there is a way. If it still seems overwhelming, break it down. Don't think of how many calls you need to make each day. Think instead of how many calls you need to make an hour. Keep breaking it down until it is manageable. Look at it from a different perspective.

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Quote of the Day - Leadership

This is for all of you leaders out there and all of you who will be leaders in the future. The way to measure a leader is by the people who follow them. If you are over others and you lead them to success, you are successful. If you try to lead people and they despise you, you are a tyrant. To be a truly great leader, learn who you are leading. Find out what motivates them, what drives them, and what breaks them. Be the kind of leader that people want to follow. Make them want to drink the cool aid. They say that some people are born leaders. I believe that leadership is a set of skills that must be learned, practiced, and cultivated. As a leader, you should also look for leadership qualities in others under you, and work with them to develop the next leaders.

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Quote of the Day

At Dealer Synergy, we stress the importance of learning the customer's expectations and then surpassing them. Sometimes our own personal expectations get a little lost in the shuffle. That is the focus of the 3 Minute book. Set your expectations for yourself. Make some of them wild and extravagant. You may be surprised how much you will accomplish when you start picturing yourself with that kind of success. It can happen. It can happen to you. Have enough faith in yourself to know that you, and your success, are worth the work it takes to achieve it. The only real limits to your success are the limits to your own imagination and determination.

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Quote of the Day

Dreams and goals are what keeps us going. If you don't have anything to aim for, why are you even here? Setting goals and having dreams shows where to focus. Once you have your goals and dreams set, start right away to accomplish them. Setting them for the future is fine, but you have to take action immediately towards reaching them. You must also convince yourself that you will accomplish them. If you don't believe it, it won't happen. You will doom yourself to failure. Set realistic goals. Dream big with a path in mind.

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Quote of the Day

Now is the time of year when people actually remember to be thankful. Don't take things or people for granted. Someone once said, "What if you woke up in the morning and only had the things you were thankful for the day before?" If we take this approach in life, we will all be more humble and happier. If you are a leader at work, home or elsewhere, thank the people under you. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't be a leader. If you are on the bottom of the ladder, be thankful for the leaders above you. If it wasn't for them, you would have more to deal with and you might not have opportunities that you do. We all have reasons to be thankful. Take the time to should your appreciation for the people around you. Life may go a little smoother if they are noticed.

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Quote of the Day

Failing is part of life. Failure is proof that you are trying. Each time you are unsuccessful in something, the next time you try will be better as long as you learn from your failure. Be diligent and persistent. When you fail, seek out the areas for change. Get up and try it a little different. That is how we learn. That is how we grow. That is how we find success.

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Quote of the Day

Mentoring is a wonderful thing that is often overlooked. When you decide to mentor and inspire someone, it affirms that you are on the right path. If you obtain all of the success that you could have imagined and give nothing back, the success and wealth fade away after you die. But if you take the time to help someone else, your legacy will live on. Making a positive impact in someone's life is the biggest achievement one could ever hope for. We teach things to our children so they can keep our traditions alive. Teaching someone your wisdom and knowledge in business or life will help instill those things into our future leaders.

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Quote of the Day

Failure is a state of mind. It has been said that  failure is not falling down but refusing to get up. Thomas Edison tried 10,000 times before he was successful in creating the light bulb. He said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Each time we believe we have failed at something, it is simply another step to the process. Henry Ford said, "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely." Unfortunately, most people see opportunities as work. This causes them to not try. If you get frustrated and filled with self-doubt, think how different our lives would be if the inventors of the past had let previous failures stop them. 

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Quote of the Day

Time is one of the most valuable natural resources we have. It is also one of the most misused. Time management is a vital key to success. Think of how much time is wasted daily on complaining about things that are out of our control, arguing about things that have no value, and worrying about things that may never happen. The next time you feel yourself falling into one of these traps, try reading something motivational to boost your morale, take a moment to look at the big picture and see things from another perspective, or focus on the things within your control that can make life run smoother for you and others. 

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Quote of the Day

Too often people are held back because of their fear. For some, it is a fear of failure. For others, it is fear of the unknown. Everyone struggles with different fears in all aspects of their lives. Don't let fear control the direction of your life. If you are an Internet Coordinator who is afraid of saying the wrong thing to set an appointment, you probably aren't setting as many appointments as you could. Embrace the tools you have been given. Learn your scripts and learn from the trainers & successful coordinators at your disposal. We have all been there in one way or another. 

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Quote of the Day

Choosing to have a positive attitude is one of the most important things you can do for yourself each day. I realize that some days it is easier said than done. If we make a conscious choice each day, several times a day if necessary, it will have an impact on every interaction we have. Our attitude can influence the attitudes and experience of others. Likewise, be aware that other peoples' attitudes can influence you. Try to surround yourself with positive people. Negative people can bring your spirit down. Positive people help lift your spirit and encourage you to be better than you ever dreamed. Below is the full quote by Charles Swindoll. Please share this and take it to heart.

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Quote of the Day

Setting correct goals is key to achieving success. It is good to set small, short term goals. This allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment when you reach them. It is even more pivotal to set larger, long term goals. This gives our lives direction. It gives purpose. Without setting the proper goals, the tasks and challenges we face on a daily basis seem meaningless.

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Quote of the Day

Today, take a moment for a little self assessment. How much passion do you feel about the things you do? How often do you express that passion? If you come to the conclusion that you no longer have the passion you once did, try to find one small thing to ignite that passion again. When others see the passion in you, it may just ignite passion in them and inspire wonderful achievement. 

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