In this week's Episode of Make Money Mondays Dealer Synergy's Nation Sales Director, Joseph Argento, explains how to assess your employees sales performances. It is based on the metrics of what you as a Manager and your management team feels are your benchmarks. You must factor in volume, total gross, the average gross per unit, the closing percentage and the CSI. It's important to take the time to assess and coach individually. Following these steps will help the dealership sell more cars, more often, and more profitably.
Make Money Mondays - Special Edition - Assessing Sales Performances
Dealers, Do Not Forget About Your Receptionist - Make Money Mondays - Special Edition
In this week's Episode of Make Money Mondays Special Edition, Toni Anne Fardette, Business Development Director of the Atlantic Auto Group and The Billion Dollar Girl, explains the importance of training your receptionist. Most Dealerships do not take the time to make sure their receptionist is properly trained. Remember, the receptionist is ofter the first impression and first point of contact with potential customer. Taking the time to make sure they know how to check in appointments and use the CRM properly will help streamline your process.
If you like Make Money Mondays, you will love Bradley On Demand:
For more information about Dealer Synergy, visit
Sign up now for the next Internet Sales 20 Group in Philadelphia July 10-12th!
If you have any questions, call or text Sean on his cell 267-319-6776.
Dealer Synergy Presents Lee Lee Williams, Internet Director of Grindstaff Automotive Group, giving advice on branding and networking on a personal level. You need to go out into your community and interact and network with the people of your community. You need to create a personal website branded for you even if you are part of a bigger automotive group.
For more information about Dealer Synergy, visit
If you are interested in working with Dealer Video Production, visit
Sign up now for the next Internet Sales 20 Group!
To find out more about Grindstaff Automotive, visit
If you have any questions, call or text Sean on his cell 267-319-6776
October 2016 Cover of AutoSuccess Magazine - Money Mind Mapp - BradleyOnDemand
I am excited about the NEW October 2016 Cover of AutoSuccess Magazine... We are on it! Its OFFICIAL, the Money Mind Mapp is now LIVE!!! After almost 2 years of development, we have launched a software application that will revolutionize the#AutomotiveSalesindustry! And our Bradley On Demand#Trainingplatform has 1,200 training modules, $1.5 Million Dollars Cash in Training Content.
In this week's Episode of Make Money Mondays Special Edition, Kerri Wise, VP of Marketing at TrueCar talks about creating unique processes for each individual lead. You need to take time to pay attention to the customer and find ways to connect with them. Every customer expects customization, and it is your job to adapt to every lead to help you close more sales.
Did you reach all your goals you wanted to this month? Or Do you feel as though you were lacking in the time management department? Sean V. Bradley, CSP, CEO of Dealer Synergy discusses time management. He explains the 7 habits of highly effective people and how time management is key.You want to be careful of distractions disguised as opportunity. At the end of the day time, management is the most important. Your minutes and seconds and valuable and need to be used to the best of the best of your ability.
You must respect time. You need to think about what is the one thing you can focus on. In the rapid pace, you need to be able to prioritize instead of trying to do everything at once. Don't let the day disappear away from you. Let Sean V. Bradley, CSP teach you how to identify on a weekly level what the priorities for your week are.
Sean V. Bradley, CSP, CEO of Dealer Synergy discusses money. He wants you to know that in the automotive profession, it is a six-figure job. If you aren't making over 100,000 a year then you are doing something wrong. Don't let variables such as lack of traffic or leads being bad be the cause. Also, it is never the customers, he's heard it all.Whether you feel it's the customers, the problems in the dealership or what have you, your perception is your reality.
This industry is the best because you can make as much money as you can earn. You have to put in the work to earn it. Your Dealer Principal is a millionaire. Regardless of whether you sell cars or work in the Internet department, you have the potential to make six figures. The problem is mediocrity, never be complacent. Stop talking about making money, go out and make the choices you want. You have to go and put in the work. Your pay is not capped. Learn about the 8 ways an automotive sales consultant can close a deal. You can create your own weather. So, start today!
Sean V. Bradley, CSP, CEO of Dealer Synergy speaks on the topic of how BDC is not an expense. People are not an expense, they are an asset. The difference between your organization and others are your people. The competition does not have anything different than you do, people are not an expense it comes down to your value proposition package. You cannot make money without putting money out. 92-99% of Americans go online before they even step foot in the dealership. If you can direct that traffic to an Internet or BDC department and you've got the right factors, you will be able to build a customer factory.
This week's Make Money Mondays, is with the CEO of Dealer Synergy. Sean V. Bradley, CSP discusses your BDC department.
BDC= Business Development Center. A BDC is a department that proactively drives traffic to the dealership, and does not respond to reactive traffic. How can you create business that isn't already there? Through Internet sales, Service conversion, service BDC, equity mining, data mining, cross promotional marketing, special online finance, etc. There are 8 ways for a salesperson to sell an automobile. Those 8 ways include walk-in, be-back, Internet, phone, prior customers, referrals, service conversions, and prospecting. You need to respect the fact that there is so much opportunity on the Internet and have your salespeople perfect and manage the 8 ways to sell an automobile.
Congratulations are in order for our President of Dealer Synergy, Karen Bradley. Dealer Synergy is an award-winning national automotive training and consulting company. Karen has been with Dealer Synergy and actively involved in the automotive industry for over 8 years. In addition to such she has over ten years experience in accounting and has served as Chief Financial Officer. Now, she is being honored with one of the highest nominations in the industry, Automotive News’ 100 Leading Women award.
Every five years, Automotive News nominates the top 100 female executives in the industry. The list is compiled from dealerships, suppliers, and automakers to create the top 100 in the North American Automotive Industry. Nominations are based on who readers feel should be considered for the year’s list. Karen Bradley has been deemed worthy of this nomination by her peers.
Karen is a very hard working woman and worked her way up from the Director of Dealer Synergy, to the position she holds as President today. Through her principles and Dealer Synergy’s, her mission statement remains to enable greatness in our industry. She makes it her mission to help people do more, be more, and to achieve more. This allows people to sell more cars, more often, more profitably. What makes Karen unique is the knowledge she has instilled in herself with time management, Franklin Covey certification, and her work/life balance. Some of her many accomplishments include:
Co-creator of Internet Sales 20 Group, the most preeminent 3 day workshop in the automotive industry.
NADA 20 Group Speaker
National Speaker Association Member
Trainer and Facilitator of Franklin Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People and 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity) it is also important to note that of the 2 people officially partnered with the Franklin Covey Organization in the Automotive industry, Karen is the only female.
Authored articles for National magazines such as AutoSuccess
Co-creator of the virtual training platform
Sole curriculum creator for workbooks, deliverables, Dealer Synergy and Internet Sales 20 Group.
Expert Blogger on
Through Dealer Synergy, trained 11,000 automotive professionals, 2,500 Dealer Principals andGeneral Managers at over 900 different dealerships in the United States and internationally.
We can’t stress enough what an amazing accomplishment this is, and on behalf of Dealer Synergy, how proud our team is of our President. Karen has helped lead Dealer Synergy to be the company that it is today. What is even more amazing is that this is only the beginning. Karen is due to launch her video series for work/life balance training by Summer 2015. As a wife, mother of 4, and a successful businesswoman, Karen gives the true meaning to a leading woman. In the meantime, check out some of her work with the virtual training platform to teach you how to sell more cars, more often, and more profitably.
Sean V. Bradley,CEO of Dealer Synergy wrote an article for Auto Success Magazine about Why BDC's fail. A BDC can handle unsold showroom traffic, data mining, campaign management, equity mining, expiring warranties, aftermarket products, special finance, Internet sales, phone sales, cross promotional marketing, fleet, etc. One of the main reasons that BDC doesn't work is because most dealerships put untrained people together to do everything. Your Internet department should not be a big cluster of people doing a bunch of different things. You should scale into the BDC, and start with the biggest opportunity to be successful. The best thing for you to do is to start with the Internet because 92-99% of Americans go online before stepping into a dealership.
Your Internet department should be your anchor. Secondly, the Internet is predominately a phone sale. Email sells the phone, phone sells the appointment, and the appointment builds the relationship, product, presentation, demo, drive, and delivery. Your Internet department should be trained in the Inbound and Outbound phone call process, Qualifications, Objections and Rebuttals. If they are trained in these fields, they should be able to take inbound phone ups as well. So, the anchor of a BDC should start with Internet leads and inbound phone ups. After, you could increase to the next module. Depending on what your goals are, will dictate what module you implement next. Stop playing checkers with your BDC, and start playing chess.
Sean V. Bradley, CEO of Dealer Synergy talks about how Dentists are accurate with appointment setting, follow ups, and setting the next appointment. Dentists are also dependent on their appointments. You need to change your BDC, Internet Department and Dealership into a dentistry type appointment machine. In order to have a good BDC, you have to be better than your dentist! If you sell an automobile, you should schedule your customers first service appointment. In addition, you can use that appointment to call your customer and remind them. This will build an emotional bank account with the customer. Though the deal is over, you need to continue to build a relationship with your customer. Remember, being better then your dentist will create an amazing BDC department at your dealership!
If you like Make Money Mondays, than you will love Bradley On Demand:
Do you want more information on the automotive industry? Visit
This week, Anthony Alagona talks about "Building Value." How do you build value in yourself, your vehicle, and your dealership? Building value in yourself starts with identifying yourself to the prospect and establish a clear channel of communication. Building value in the vehicle starts by telling the prospect about the vehicle and selling the prospect on all of the special deatures that make the vehicle stand out. Building value in the dealership starts with passionately selling your value package to the prospect and explaining the benefits it can offer. Remember: People do not buy what you sell, they buy what you believe.
"It is the end of the year!" This Monday, Sean talks about the end of the year, and how people are becoming complacent with mediocrity and making excuses. You need to stop making excuses! You must take control of your destiny. Don't make the wrong assumptions because of the holiday season, the weather, etc. If your internet leads are the same but you are making less phone calls and appointments, then the problem is with you and your department! Look at yourself, and your dealership before you start blaming other things. If anything, you could use the holidays to make a sale! If you don't have opportunities to do business then you need to work your leads harder!
Many people think it's impossible to be successful in the automotive world, but I have seen so many automotive professionals that have had tremendous levels of success. Extraordinary possibilities exist in our industry, and I want to share with you the tools and strategies that will make you more successful than you ever imagined.
At the Internet Sales 20 Group 6 Workshop in Boston this week, Sean V. Bradley, CSP, CEO of Dealer Synergy, unveiled a motivational video his team created that is sure to get you thinking about your future. Success is possible in the auto industry if you know how to work hard, use your resources and stay ahead of the game.
Sean’s been in the industry for over 15 years and has perfected the strategies you need to be successful. Over the years, he has developed tools and services that you can take advantage of in order to achieve success and inspire greatness.
Dealer Synergy:Dealer Synergy is an Award Winning Training, Consulting and Digital Marketing firm that has built the most profitable Internet Sales and Business Development departments for automotive dealerships across the United States. Armed with a training team of automotive professionals with firsthand knowledge and experience in the dealership world, as well as a top of the line technology department consisting of graphic designers, video production professionals, sound engineers and animators, digital marketing professionals and content writers, Dealer Synergy is uniquely equipped to assist your dealership with the most up-to-date, technologically advanced, training and digital marketing tools.
Bradley on Demand:Bradley On Demand is the most advanced platform for sales training, strategies and professional development. The curriculum is designed with a dual approach that focuses on personal and financial success. When your team succeeds your dealership’s bottom line increases. With this tool you will sell more cars, make more money and enhance the quality of your life.
Money Mind Mapp (MMMapp):Targeted towards Automotive Sales Professional, BDC Rep and Internet Coordinators, this desktop and mobile app was developed to help automotive professionals create and achieve their financial goals. Whether they are tracking their personal finances or managing an entire dealership, the Money Mind Mapp is uniquely designed to identify your wants and needs, create action plans, and track your success. The app works with you, making sure you meet your goals. You will never achieve success by simply stating what you want to accomplish. In order to be successful, you need to actually MAP out your plan and follow it exactly. Everyone can use a little help staying accountable. Money Mind Mapp does just that!
Sean V. Bradley, CSP has the key to success. Contact him to unlock your potential!
Call his cell at 267-319-6776 or send him an email at