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On this week's Think Tank Tuesday:
- What colors convert at the highest rates?
- Which terms don't make sense to consumers?
- Will using a buy price convert better than using a monthly payment?
I NEED your help... Please VOTE for Dealer Synergy for the 2015 Dealers Choice Awards for Best Internet Sales Training Company. We are a 3-Time winner and this year we are looking to win again but we can not do it without your vote. So, thank you in advance!! Karen Uriarte-Bradley truly appreciate your support.
Vote For Dealer Synergy For The 2015 Dealers' Choice Awards - Internet Sales Training Company
Need an extra push to meet your sales goals? If you haven't capitalized on tax refunds yet, now is the time. On this week's Hard Facts, Samantha covers last minute strategies to get people in the door.
"Content is king" is a phrase thrown around digital marketing circles all the time these days. The theory is that content creation leads to increased SEO (Search Engine Optimization) presence. However, few understand that legitimate, original content is the most valuable form of content one can create.
While there are many sites that are good curators of content (an effective strategy in and of itself), brand new content allows a website the ability to be the first ones associated with it. Also, as other sites quote and link back to that content (which to that point had not been available anywhere else), the relevance of the originating site will be driven higher.
Additionally, original content creation gives a website brand legacy and helps build authority. If a person knows they can only get particular content from a certain site, that site will begin to rise in esteem among those interested in that content. This helps associate a site and brand with being very knowledgeable about whatever topic the content involves.
All in all, original content creation helps create an online legacy of relevance for a website, as well as improving credibility and SEO ranking in search engines. Are you guys creating your own content, or simply curating?
- Do you need more traffic to your website?
- Do you want people to know who you are?
- Are you willing to evolve and try new things?
On this week's Think Tank Tuesday, I will cover how you can use a new technology to increase your brand awareness.
Although digital marketing has been around for some time now, it's exponential growth in being used by a majority of businesses is relatively recent. There is a danger that many "old school" marketers may one day be rendered worthless due to lack of digital skills and knowledge. However, another danger exists of new, digitally driven marketers not knowing the ropes of traditional marketing enough to take full advantage of the channels available.
Traditional marketers have built up techniques, nuances and best practices over many years. Just because digital skills are now relevant and in demand does not mean that this wealth of marketing knowledge can just be ignored. Although people consume marketing through many new digital sources, the visual art of branding a company is still key. The trick is combining this old knowledge with digital skills that help these practices adhere to the rules of new media.
Although having digital skills is a must in today's advertising environment, classic principles such as a basic sales funnel, awareness advertising versus zero moment of truth delivery and telling a story with a brand still apply. The digital marketing landscape can only be best utilized when classic marketing principles are adapted.
Old-fashioned marketing and storytelling is just as important today as it has ever been. What are some "old school" ideas that you all use to compliment your digital marketing efforts? 856-546-2440
Bridge The Gap Between The Showroom Sales & Internet Sales / BDC Department At IS20G 7
Has Your Creative Hit A Roadblock?
- Are you willing to take risks and have fun with your creative?
- What can you do to make your website more engaging?
- Would you like some tips on how to make the most out of your commercials, websites and your showroom?
On this week's Think Tank Tuesday, I cover how you can take your creative to a whole new level. Watch it now:
Did you reach all your goals you wanted to this month? Or Do you feel as though you were lacking in the time management department? Sean V. Bradley, CSP, CEO of Dealer Synergy discusses time management. He explains the 7 habits of highly effective people and how time management is key.You want to be careful of distractions disguised as opportunity. At the end of the day time, management is the most important. Your minutes and seconds and valuable and need to be used to the best of the best of your ability.
You must respect time. You need to think about what is the one thing you can focus on. In the rapid pace, you need to be able to prioritize instead of trying to do everything at once. Don't let the day disappear away from you. Let Sean V. Bradley, CSP teach you how to identify on a weekly level what the priorities for your week are.
If you like Make Money Mondays, you will love Bradley On Demand:
For more information about Dealer Synergy visit, Employee Responds To The Internet Sales 20 Group Invite...
Unfortunately, Chip Withrow responded to the Video Invite to set the record straight for 200+ dealers at the Internet Sales 20 Group in New York May 18-20
I don't think that and will respond. Why? You said you were looking for responses from lead providers and the afore mentioned companies are advertisers that direct in-market shoppers to the dealer. Why would A consumer call or email if all the information I need can be found online with the exception of a test drive?
*** All I can say is that dealers are FURIOUS. It is blowing up all over the Internet. Inside private groups dealer principals and GMs are shaking their heads…
Here are the comments just on the video thread: (Its even more on Social Media…)
In the broadest sense of the term, landing pages refer to whatever pages on a website you are sending a potential shopper. Typically, the traffic to landing pages comes from some form of marketing such as blogs or social media. For landing pages that drive direct actions (conversions), a few key differences separate these pages from other pages on a dealership site.
Conversion-driving landing pages tend to be a bit stripped down in comparison to a normal website page. The goal with most marketing is to create a path or funnel for the customer to follow. Having lots of other options on the page such as social media share buttons, or even site menus, can distract a user from that path.
Landing page text tends to be simplistic, with a headline displaying a key benefit of whatever product or service is being sold along with some bullet points for details. This is usually followed by a call to action. Attention-getting call to action buttons help push shoppers in the right direction, so landing pages tend to feature one (two at most), with language that matches whatever marketing sent the potential client to the page in the first place. Consistency and simplicity are the keys to getting clients to do what is required to continue down the desired funnel.
Lastly, pictures, videos and trust-building items such as certifications, awards and reviews help to round out landing pages and make them seem like less of a dry sales piece. If the page is overly simplistic, it might turn off potential shoppers. One of the most difficult challenges of landing page design is the balance between too much and too little information on the page.
Landing pages can help take shoppers to the end of the sales cycle. What are some standards you all abide by when creating landing pages?
- You need 20 points of engagement a day if you want people to notice you.
- Learn what kinds of messages get the best responses.
- Follow the 3 tactics in this video and you will see results in 90 days.
It would be great for most dealers if they could appear in search results for all of their makes and models. Unfortunately, these terms alone are often hard to rank for. Manufacturers and aggregators like can make it difficult for dealerships to be seen for generic, one-word keywords.
Good keywords to go after are actually known as long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are easier to rank for because they contain more specific words that might not appear in the same exact order on every site. For example "Mazda" may be nearly impossible to rank in the top 3 for a dealership. However, "2015 Mazda Miata" should be achievable within a reasonable amount of time.
The work involved in getting these long tail keywords to rank typically requires creating content on the site that has the keyword phrase appearing in the same exact order on a dealership site. This means that if a dealer is going after "2015 Mazda Miata", they will want that exact phrase to appear on a page on their site a few times naturally in the site text. Additionally, if backlinks to a dealer site can somehow be created with the long tail keywords as anchor text, it will create some degree of SEO relevance for the site.
SEO is a tricky process with results that often take a long time to achieve, but is manageable if keywords are chosen wisely. What are some keyword battles you all are trying to win right now? 856-546-2440
#IS20G 7 #NewYork
(GNYADA) Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association Partner With The Internet Sales 20 Group 7 In New York May 18-20
Sean V. Bradley is one of the top Trainers / Speakers for the GNYADA. So when the GNYADA learned that the next #IS20G would be in NY, they aligned with the Internet Sales 20 Group in order to give all of its members a phenomenal deal! So, if you are part of the Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association and want to attend the Internet Sales 20 Group in New York in May. Call me at 267-319-6776 to get special pricing!
Sean V. Bradley, CSP, CEO of Dealer Synergy discusses money. He wants you to know that in the automotive profession, it is a six-figure job. If you aren't making over 100,000 a year then you are doing something wrong. Don't let variables such as lack of traffic or leads being bad be the cause. Also, it is never the customers, he's heard it all.Whether you feel it's the customers, the problems in the dealership or what have you, your perception is your reality.
This industry is the best because you can make as much money as you can earn. You have to put in the work to earn it. Your Dealer Principal is a millionaire. Regardless of whether you sell cars or work in the Internet department, you have the potential to make six figures.
The problem is mediocrity, never be complacent. Stop talking about making money, go out and make the choices you want. You have to go and put in the work. Your pay is not capped. Learn about the 8 ways an automotive sales consultant can close a deal. You can create your own weather. So, start today!
If you like Make Money Mondays, you will love Bradley On Demand:
For more information about Dealer Synergy visit,
While SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) are of key importance with regards to SEO (search engine optimization), many auto dealers still don't pay enough attention to their website's search results pages. These typically appear when a shopper searches the inventory on a dealership website. With some fine tuning, these search results pages can help drive more VDP (vehicle display page) views and ultimately more leads.
Many times, dealership websites overwhelm customers with confusing search results pages right from the start. These are identified as confusing by having too many options offered to the visitor. In fact, some dealers have nearly every option available on their search results pages as they do on their VDP! However, most visitors don't take direct action off of search results pages. Instead, they drill down to a VDP for more details before placing a phone call or submitting a lead. In order to maintain simplicity, one should try removing nearly all of the options from the SRP except for the option to move to the VDP, and possibly one direct action driver such as a dynamic phone number. Take an SRP from as an example. Their search results pages typically just have the price and a rating, with a link to see more details.
Another issue harming search results pages on many dealer sites can be confusing or malfunctioning search filters. If a shopper is constantly having to hit reset, collapse a filter bar, or the results don't seem to refine correctly, they may bounce from the site. Dealerships should strive to have the most streamlined, easy to understand and mobile friendly search functionality possible.
While search results pages don't often get the attention that VDPs do, they are important to get right. How are you all refining your onsite search results pages for maximum clarity and impact?
- You are losing sales every month. Make that a thing of the past with this one simple change.
- Learn what your best lead source is and become a better salesperson.
- Very few salespeople or dealerships are even doing this (which is good for you and bad for the competition).
Facebook advertising can be an effective way to raise awareness about a brand, build credibility by way of social proof, and drive traffic to sales and contests. However, many dealerships still don't see the value of, or participate in, Facebook advertising. This is a piece of the marketing puzzle that warrants another look by those who have decided that it is not worth the investment.
Before Facebook became available on the stock market, a business could reach most or all of its users with a post. Enhancements to Facebook’s algorithms since their IPO have made it so that unless a post happens to go viral, only the top 20% of the people who seem to have an affinity for a business will ever see it's post.
In order for an automotive dealer to increase the number of Facebook users that will see their messaging, paid campaigns such as promoted posts are in order. While people browsing Facebook aren't necessarily going to be customers that are ready to purchase, a business can increase it’s chances of getting their ad in front of in-market buyers thanks to the relatively thorough targeting options available for Facebook advertising. Age, location, and a host of other parameters can be set to help get posts to the right people.
The people that respond to Facebook advertising might not always be Zero Moment shoppers, but then again they might be! For those that buy ads and promoted posts on Facebook, how do you use it?