Congratulations are in order for our President of Dealer Synergy, Karen Bradley. Dealer Synergy is an award-winning national automotive training and consulting company. Karen has been with Dealer Synergy and actively involved in the automotive industry for over 8 years. In addition to such she has over ten years experience in accounting and has served as Chief Financial Officer. Now, she is being honored with one of the highest nominations in the industry, Automotive News’ 100 Leading Women award.
Every five years, Automotive News nominates the top 100 female executives in the industry. The list is compiled from dealerships, suppliers, and automakers to create the top 100 in the North American Automotive Industry. Nominations are based on who readers feel should be considered for the year’s list. Karen Bradley has been deemed worthy of this nomination by her peers.
Karen is a very hard working woman and worked her way up from the Director of Dealer Synergy, to the position she holds as President today. Through her principles and Dealer Synergy’s, her mission statement remains to enable greatness in our industry. She makes it her mission to help people do more, be more, and to achieve more. This allows people to sell more cars, more often, more profitably. What makes Karen unique is the knowledge she has instilled in herself with time management, Franklin Covey certification, and her work/life balance. Some of her many accomplishments include:
Co-creator of Internet Sales 20 Group, the most preeminent 3 day workshop in the automotive industry.
NADA 20 Group Speaker
National Speaker Association Member
Trainer and Facilitator of Franklin Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People and 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity) it is also important to note that of the 2 people officially partnered with the Franklin Covey Organization in the Automotive industry, Karen is the only female.
Authored articles for National magazines such as AutoSuccess
Co-creator of the virtual training platform BradleyOnDemand.com
Sole curriculum creator for workbooks, deliverables, Dealer Synergy and Internet Sales 20 Group.
Expert Blogger on AutomotiveInternetSales.com
Through Dealer Synergy, trained 11,000 automotive professionals, 2,500 Dealer Principals and General Managers at over 900 different dealerships in the United States and internationally.
We can’t stress enough what an amazing accomplishment this is, and on behalf of Dealer Synergy, how proud our team is of our President. Karen has helped lead Dealer Synergy to be the company that it is today. What is even more amazing is that this is only the beginning. Karen is due to launch her video series for work/life balance training by Summer 2015. As a wife, mother of 4, and a successful businesswoman, Karen gives the true meaning to a leading woman. In the meantime, check out some of her work with the virtual training platform BradleyOnDemand.com to teach you how to sell more cars, more often, and more profitably.